Friday, May 27, 2011

Woman vs. Scale....

Ok, I had a very not so good week and thus I just know the scale is gonna show it.... 

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 49
Activity Points: 0

Breakfast: (11 PP)
-1 c. Special K protein (4 PP)
-1/2 c. milk, 2% (2 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)

Breakfast done.. both Lovey Man and Scooter are up, fed, dressed, and ready to go to my meeting.  It is going to be a good day no matter what the scale says because I have both of my sweeties with me today.  OH yeah.. I finished that Blasted Cereal!  I am sooo happy!
So I went to my meeting and it was a good meeting. We talked about Exer-cuses.  I have tons of those and are working on not using them.  But most of the time, they win!

Beginning Weight Loss: 15.7 lbs
Today's result: 1 lb gain
New Weight Loss: 14.7 lbs

Oh well, I am going to work that off this week.  So I will be back past 15 mark again.
I had plans with a friend for lunch but she was not able to make it.  So we ended up at Scooter's favorite place, a pizza buffet. *sigh   I ate too much.

Lunch: (26 PP)
-1 pizza buffet over indulgence (26 PP)

Not how I wanted to start my week.  I got to get better.... 
I went to Starbucks after the shopping so my snack today was a Venti Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte...

Snack: (5 PP)
-1 Starbucks Venti Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte (5 PP)

We did go to Best Buy and Target to tootle around.  So I got a couple of activity points.

Activity Points: 2
The heat and running around to day really drained me.  I had to take a nap when we got home, one from exhaustion and two because of the massive headache I had.  So dinner was very uneventful.  I had a sandwich and chips at close to 10pm.  I was not really hungry but I knew I needed to eat.

Dinner: (14 PP)
-1 serving of turkey (3 PP)
-2 slices of white bread (4 PP)
-3 t. mayo (3 PP)
-10 Sun Chips Garden Salsa (2 PP)
-1/2 frozen banana (0 PP)
-1 Dove Mini Bar (2 PP)

My day did not ended up completely Blah!  I will tell you more later.    I know I did not NEED the Dove mini bar but I really did NEED the mini bar.  :)  You know not the physical kind but the mental kind.

Woman vs. Scale... Today Scale Won!!!  

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 11
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0

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