Monday, May 16, 2011

Friday 13th.... lucky or unlucky??

So this is one of the days effected by Blogger being down.  Gonna really just be a summary.  No much really happened.  Scooter did have a softball game and they lost.  But it was ok.  Both teams played a great game and it was very close.  It really came down to who was the home team.  I am still very proud of my sweet girl.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 28
Activity Points: 3

Breakfast: (8 PP)
-1 c. Special K protein (4 PP)
-2/3 c. milk, 2% (2 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)
-4 T. Southern Pecan Creamer (2 PP)

Lunch: (9 PP)
-1 LEAN POCKETS® brand Pretzel Bread Sandwiches – Roasted Turkey with Bacon & Reduced Fat Cheese (7 PP)
-12 Quaker rice snacks - Sweet Chili (2 PP)
-1 kiwi (0 PP)

I found myself with my hand in the M&M bag several times.  I guess I had a snack.  :) 

Snack: (2 PP)
-1/3 of bag M&M almond (2 PP)

Lovey Man and I went on a walk also today.  :)

Activity Points: 2

Dinner: (12 PP)
-1 Santa Fe chicken salad with ranch dressing (8 PP)
-1 jigger of flavored vodka (4 PP)

So I really like the "Savannah" Sweet Teas - they are good. Just got to remember not to over do it.

Daily PP used: 31
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 5
Activity points used: 0

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