Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Thursday...

So it's weigh-in day!  Not feeling the greatest about today.  I think it is going to be a positive but probably a small one.  But any positive is better than none at all.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 49
Activity Points: 0

Breakfast: (5 PP)
-3/4 c. Special K protein (3 PP)
-1/2 c. milk, 2% (2 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)

Breakfast done.. time to go wake up Lovey Man.  I need to get him fed, dressed, and ready to go to my meeting.  We need to leave a bit early because I want to stop by and pick up his pictures first.

So I went to my meeting and it was a good meeting.... we talked about relationships and how they effect your weight loss journey (positive or negative).

Beginning Weight Loss: 13.7 lbs
Today's result: 1.2 lb loss
New Weight Loss: 14.9 lbs

OH YEAH.... it was a bigger loss than I expected.... *doing a happy dance  I was so excited and surprised.  

I am craving steak.  I think we will go to Logan's Roadhouse for a steak and baked sweet potato.  My mouth is already watering just thinking of it.

Lunch: (25 PP)
-1 sirloin, 8 oz (12 PP)
-1 lg baked sweet potato (4 PP)
-1 yeast roll (6 PP)
-1 T. shredded cheese (1 PP)
-1 1/2 T. balsamic vinaigrette  (2 PP)

Now that was what I was craving.  Very happy and very full.

How my lunch started


I had a snack, well not a snack per say, but it was while I was driving home and it has been awhile since I had one.  We went shopping for a bit but we took our time and was in no real hurry.  

Snack: (4 PP)
-1 tall Caramel Frappuccino (4 PP)

That's right I went to Starbucks and sooooooo enjoyed myself.

Activity Points: 3

I am really tired and do not feel like cooking.   I barely feel like going to pick up take-out.  I called and ordered now time to go get it.  I did one of the few things on the menu not fried.  Probably still not good.

Dinner: (27 PP)
-1 club sandwich (17 PP)
-1 small serving of french fries (6 PP)
-1 jigger of flavored vodka (4 PP)

What a horrible day for eating.  I have gotten out of the two heavy PP meals and now look at what I did.  So yes I had a "Savannah" Sweet Tea to just top of my BAD day.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I WILL be better.

I watched AI results as I ate.  I am in total shock at who got voted off.  I don't believe that he is not in the final 3.  I think it is the curse of the judges saying that it was his to lose.

Oh well Nighty night folks... see you all tomorrow.

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 21
Activity points earned: 3
Activity points used: 0

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