Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ah Friday.. we meet again~

I am sooo tired.  Lovey Man is up 3 hours early.  I am not gonna have any energy today.  We will take a walk today and hopefully he will not turn into Capt. Destructo Boy!  Fingers crossed, hopes not that high.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 31
Activity Points: 2

Breakfast: (8 PP)
-1 c. Kellogg's Crunch Nut Cereal (4 PP)
-2/2 c. Milk, 2% (2 PP)
-1 banana (0 PP)
-4 T. toffee almond creamer (2 PP)

Scooter did not want her cereal today.  She stated that she was not that hungry.  I tried to tell her that she would be starving by lunch time but she did not listen.  I am sure I will get an ear full later.  But not my fault, I warned her.
After our walk, I was starting to get hungry.  I went and picked up japanese take-out.  Well, South Georgia japanese take-out that is.  No matter it is still yummy.  You will see that I did good and only ate part of the mound-o-rice they gave me.  Lovey Man loves the rice and the veggies.  Woohoo!

Lunch: (14 PP)
-1 serving of Hibachi Veggies (2 PP)
-1 serving of Teriyaki Chicken (3 PP)
-1/2 c. fried rice (5 PP)
-1/2 serving of shrimp sauce (3 PP)
-1 T. Ginger Dressing (1 PP)
-1 house salad - veggies only (0 PP)

See I had a salad and I ate it first so that I would not eat so much of the rice.  I also used a small amount of shrimp sauce, even though that was really hard to do.  :)
I split a peach with Lovey Man at snack time.

Snack: (0 PP)
-1/2 peach (0 PP)
I am going to help a friend bake brownies and cookies for a bake sale this weekend.  I decided to make a dinner that would work for all of us.  As in I could make it for Scooter and I, then E can make his later while we are gone.

Dinner: (20 PP)
-1 1/2 bratwurst (12 PP)
-1 hotdog bun  (4 PP)
-1 t. mayo (1 PP)
-1 t. mustard (0 PP)
-onions and pickles (0 PP)
-12 SunChips Garden Salsa (3 PP)

All I can say is soooo yummy!  I love a good bratwurst - something about the sausage with the mustard, onions and pickles.  :)
Lovey Man and I went for a really nice long walk today.  So long in fact he fell asleep.. yeah a break for me for a bit.

Activity points: 4
Like I said, I went over to help a friend bake cookies and brownies for a bake sale.  We started with Monster Cookies and ended with M&M cookies.  I think we made 5 types of cookies and 2 pans of brownies.  I did not eat one of the cookies or brownies.  VERY proud of myself.  I will share the Monster Cookie recipe if anyone wants.

Oh yeah, we had a glass of wine in the middle.  :)

Cookies, brownies, wine... oh my!

Night Time "Snack": (3 PP)
-1 serving of white wine (3 PP)

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 5
Activity points earned: 6
Activity points used: 0

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