Tuesday, May 17, 2011

*Sigh It's Monday... yet again

Wow lots of blogging today.  Now, on to my current post...

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 27
Activity Points: 7

Breakfast: (9 PP)

-1 1/4 c. Special K protein (5 PP)
-2/3 c. milk, 2% (2 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)
-4 T. Southern Pecan Creamer (2 PP)

I am back to the cereal.  I know you are probably asking... "where are the sausage sandwiches?"  Well, I ran out of sausage and I keep forgetting to pick some up at the store.  But I will.  I am starting to miss them.  I also am trying to get done with this box of cereal that I do not really like.  If I stop eating it, I might not return to it.
Erock went to BK and I know I should not have but the Whopper was really tempting.  He gets home and starts taking out the food.  Then I hear a string of curses.  Apparently, they got it wrong.  No just a little wrong but REALLY wrong.  Instead of 2 Whoppers, we got 1 Whopper and 1 original Chicken Sandwich.  So I ended up with the chicken sandwich because he detest them.  It was not that far off the sandwich I was expecting, so it all worked out.  I guess!  :)

Lunch: (19 PP)
-1 BK Original Chicken Sandwich (17 PP)
-10 Quaker Rice Snacks - sweet chili (2 PP)
I had my first peach of the season.  It is still a bit early but I have already started thinking about making some peach preserves.  I also got an idea for blackberry strawberry preserves.  I need to get on it.

Snack: (0 PP)
-1 peach (0 PP)

Lovey Man  and I took a long walk today.  I got on the phone with my bestest and we just walked and walked.  It was perfect weather outside and so I did not mind the extra time outside.

Activity Points: 4
Dinner: (15 PP)
-1 serving Quesadilla Casserole (14 PP)
-1/2 T. sour cream (0 PP)
-1 T. Sweet Honey Catalina salad dressing (1 PP)
-salad with lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, green onion, radish, and purple cabbage (0 PP)

This was a hit with everyone in my house.  Even Lovey Man ate it.  Woohoo!  This will be on my to make again list.  :)  I will post recipe soon.  

Oh Oh.. it is DWTS time.. oh yeah baby...

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 3
Activity points earned: 11
Activity points used: 0

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