Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday already...really?

VERY busy day.... I got a couple of things going on that I need a some positive vibes for, so send them my way peeps.  If things go well, I will tell you all about it later.  (positive thoughts get positive results right!!)

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 23
Activity Points: 6

Breakfast: (9 PP)
-1 Sausage Sandwich (8 PP)
-2 T. southern butter pecan creamer (1 PP)

My sausage sandwiches how I have missed you.  I had a lot to get done in a short amount of time so my sandwich was the best way to go.  It was do a little bit, take bite, have slurp of coffee, repeat.  I got it done and faster that I thought.  :)
I had to make a morning run to the SAV and so on the way back I decided to be a really sweet wife.  I picked up Chick-fil-A for myself, E, and Lovey Man.  I did not get an original sandwich, I went with the grilled.  Yes I know, grilled chicken AGAIN today but it was different than the last two days.  I did have some waffle fries but I split a small with Lovey Man, as well as, a fruit bowl.  I also snuck a few of his and E's chicken nuggest.  SSSSHHHH!  Don't tell them.  hehehehehehe

Lunch: (14 PP)
-1 Chick-fil-A Grilled Chicken Sandwich (7 PP)
-1/2 small Chick-fil-A Waffle Fries (4 PP)
-1/2 med Chick-fil-A Fruit Cup (0 PP)

I was very good!!!  Even if I did want the original with extra pickles and cheese.  :)
Today was Awards Day for Scooter.  She won 7 awards.  I am one proud Mama.  SOOOOO PROUD of my smart girl.  I decided that we needed a celebration snack.  *evil grin  We went to Dairy Queen for celebration ice cream.  Because WE deserved it.  Right?!?!?!

Snack: (9 PP)
-1 small DQ chocolate dipped cone (9 PP)
We had some of the turkey leftover, so I decided to make a sandwich.  It is still as good today as it was yesterday.  Nice light dinner, after a busy day!

Dinner: (10 PP)
-1/2 serving BUTTERBALL Turkey Breast boneless Roast (2 PP)
-2 slices of white bread (4 PP)
-2 t. Mayo (2 PP)
-10 Sun Chips Garden Salsa (2 PP)
I did got some exercise today.  Lots of the running around Lovey Man and then with him and Scooter.

Activity points: 2

While watching the Billboard Music Awards, I did see my friend.  Kinda cool! 

Time to get ready to watch DWTS.  Finals night... excited to see all of the freestyle dances.

Nighty Night... my peeps~

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 2
Activity points earned: 8
Activity points used: 0

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