Friday, May 6, 2011

Wednesday equals only one day left before weigh-in

Nope, still not adjusted to the alarm.  Darn thing keeps going off too soon after I go to sleep.  ;)

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 33
Activity Points: 11

NEED COFFEE!!  I still have not gotten any more coffee filter, not awake enough to work espresso machine, so it is up to Via again today.  Fingers crossed.   :)

Breakfast: (9 PP)
-1 Turkey Sausage Sandwich (8 PP)
-1 T. southern pecan creamer (1 PP)

Nope I'm not awake yet.  Stayed up too late watch The Voice.  I had it DVR'd so that I could watch DWTS without having to flip back and forth.  Maybe I need to get moving to help the juices to start flowing....

E went to KFC and so I got something also.  I know I know, KFC is sooooo bad but I asked for the grilled chicken and either the green beans or the corn on the cob.  I also had planned to give the biscuit to Lovey Man.  However when the people that work there get it wrong, the best laid plans go to waste.  So instead of grilled they have me original recipe, I had corn, and E gave Lovey Man his biscuit.  I ate my food but did not fully enjoy it.

Lunch: (17 PP)
-1 KFC OR thigh (7 PP)
-1 KFC OR drumstick (3 PP)
-1 KFC corn on cob (2 PP)
-1 KFC biscuit (5 PP)

At least this was at lunch and not at dinner.  Of course being fastfood and fried, it worries me about the effect it will have on tomorrow.

No snack and exercise... oh well

I had plans for a salad since lunch was not what I had planned. However after calculating the PP used and seeing what I had left, I decided to see how many PP one of my favorite sandwiches is.  Guess what?!?!?!  I can have it!!

Dinner: (14 PP)
-1 BLT (8 PP)
-1 serving of banana pudding (6 PP)

Well that made for a perfect day!  :)

Time watch AI and then Modern Family... Nighty Night all!

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 11
Activity points used: 0

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