Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up.... Saturday at a glance...

So the weekend got a bit crazy and I did not get a chance to update my posts.  So here is a quick update....

I had a great weekend with my family and some friends.  On Saturday, the kiddios played and played on the water slide.  I finally started on my tan, I hope I get a good one this year.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 39
Activity Points: 0

Breakfast: (7 PP)
-1 Turkey Sausage Sandwich - no cheese (6 PP)
-2 T. Southern Butter Pecan creamer (1 PP)

Lunch: (16 PP)
-1/3 of small serving of Loaded Nachos (5 PP)
-1/2 lb steamed shrimp (5 PP)
-1 small corn on the cobb (2 PP)
-1 small serving new potatoes (4 PP)

Dinner: (13 PP)
-1 LEAN POCKETS® brand Pretzel Bread Sandwiches – Roasted Turkey with Bacon & Reduced Fat Cheese (7 PP)
-1/3 Totino's Party Pizza Cheese (6 PP)

I know the dinner looks weird but I think I had too much sun, for it to make sense.  :)

Snack: (0 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)

Activity Points : 2

All in all a good day....

Daily PP used: 36
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0

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