Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Wednesday!!!!

I am ready for tomorrow but first I need to make it thru today.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 22
Activity Points: 11

Breakfast: (13 PP)
-2 slices of bread (4 PP)
-2 slices of bacon (3 PP)
-1 slice of american cheese (2 PP)
-1 egg (2 PP)
-4 T. toffee almond creamer (2 PP)

I just could not take that box of cereal off the shelf today.  It was just too much.  I needed a break.  So I got it and it was soooo good.

Lovey Man and I went shopping at the grocery store, but I also plan on going for a walk later.
The grocery store that we go to has a deli and they make subs and wraps.  It is really nice to be able to shop and then have a sub made all in the same place.  I was really happy not to have to go by a fast food restaurant and I was not in the mood for a sit-down restaurant today.  They have a special on their 12" turkey subs.  That is the one that I got.  I had 1/2 for lunch and then the other 1/2 will be dinner for someone in my house.  :)  Not to shabby, 2 meals for $4.99 + tax.

Lunch: (14 PP)
-1 Turkey Sub 6" on wheat with provolone cheese (9 PP)
-1 T. Mayo (3 PP)
-10 SunChips Garden Salsa (2 PP)

I am planning a really light dinner.  You know with tomorrow being Thursday and all.  :)
I split an apple with Lovey Man at snack time.

Snack: (0 PP)
-1/2 apple (0 PP)
I had a salad made with one of the Hidden Valley Salad Kit.  I used the original ranch flavored kit.  I also add a chicken breast for some extra protein.  I really like these salad kits and I think that is why I chose it again today.

Dinner: (13 PP)
-1 Tyson Grilled and Ready Chicken Breasts (2 PP)
-1 1/2 servings Hidden Valley Salad Kit - original ranch  (6 PP)
-1 1/2 T. shredded cheddar cheese (1 PP)
-2 Dove Mini bars (4 PP)

I have high hopes for tomorrow.  No little hands in my salad bowl to snatch some of my yummy goodness tonight.  I had 4 PP left for the day after dinner.  So I went for 2 of the Dove Mini bars.  :)
No walk today....

I am watching AI and then of to get my beauty rest... nighty night all!!!

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned:11
Activity points used: 0

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