Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dear Coffee, Thank you ....

Dear Coffee, Thank you for always being here for me every morning to wake me up and give me lots of energy...I couldn't do it without you! Love, Me!

It was one of those nights.  Lovey Man is teething and has been for about 3 weeks (off and on).  Last night was bad.  Up and down most of the night like when he was a newborn.  So let's get this teeth already and be done with it.  :)

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 30
Activity Points: 7

Breakfast: (13 PP)
-1 Turkey Sausage Sandwich (6 PP)
-1 Voskos greek yogurt fig (4 PP)
-6 T. toffee almond creamer (3 PP)

So I'm up and kinda moving.  However, no bright eyes, no bushy tail, no cheery disposition,and definitely no get up & go. But I am out of bed & my eyes are open...Satisfied...Now what?

I think Lovey Man and I will have another walk this morning.  Maybe that will get my juices flowing and help me find my get up and go.   *fingers crossed

I knew from the time I was able to function properly today what I was going to have for lunch.  Chicken and Rice leftovers.  :)  I have posted the recipe for any that are interested.

Lunch: (9 PP)
-1 serving of My Chicken and Rice (9 PP)

I am one happy girl.  I think I will actually make it through the day 

I designated tonight as leftover night.  Since I had chicken and rice for lunch, I choose to eat some leftover pizza.  I know I need more fruits and veggies today but it is just not in me.  I am still trying to fight a cold and Lovey Man is very much a mommy's boy.  So I am lucky I am not going over my points by a ton.

Dinner: (15 PP)
-1/4 California Pizza Kitchen White Pizza (6 PP)
-1 of a serving DiGiorno Cheese Stuffed Crust 3-meat Pizza (9 PP)

I will be better tomorrow

I had a small snack to day.  It was so small it was only 2 bites but I made stretch to 4.

Snack: (2 PP)
-1 WW mini Lemon Pie bar (2 PP)

I know I promised that Lovey Man and I would go for a nice walk in the neighborhood. But with him sleeping really late today and not feeling well, I decided not to go.  We will tomorrow if he feels better, I promise.

Activity Points: 0

Time for DWTS... nighty night all!!!

Daily PP used: 39
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 7
Activity points used: 0

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