Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wednesday = one day left before weigh-in

Ok I'm awake, I think.... long night.  I watched the season finale of Parenthood and then most of the Braves/Dodgers game... UGH!!  The Braves won, so made it worth it!  However, my alarm went off too early...

Oh well looks to be a several cups of coffee kinda day!

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 26
Activity Points: 7

Breakfast: (11 PP)
-1 c. Kellogg's Special K Blueberry (3 PP)
-1/2 c. whole milk (2 PP)
-4 T Italian sweet cream (2 PP)
-1 Chobani Greek Yogurt - Lemon (4 PP)

Back to cereal today, not really my first choice but Scooter was not feeling well and so did not eat her breakfast.  With a whole bowl of cereal, I could not waste it.  That is when it became my breakfast.  

Cup of coffee #1 down.. several to go... morning ya'll !!!

I actually had the yogurt a bit later in the morning.  I love Love LOVE greek yogurt!!!!

Lovey Man and I need to get out of the house and so we did.  He and I also had some shopping to do before the weekend.

We went to a local restaurant and had a great lunch.  I got a bit carried away but you will see why.

Lunch: (20 PP)
-4 Fried Green Tomatoes (9 PP)
-6 Charbroiled Oysters (5 PP)
-2/3 c. Angel Hair Pasta (3 PP)
-Salad (0 PP)
-1 T. French dressing (2 PP)
-1 T. cheddar cheese (1 PP)

Oh yeah that says fried green tomatoes... I could not resist, I mean look at them....

Fried Green Tomatoes

Charbroiled Oysters with Angel Hair Pasta

No snack...

But with all the shopping that Lovey Man and I did, I earned 2 activity points.


I must have been in a past mood today... 

I ended up making Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo...

Dinner: (15 PP)
-1 c. Fettuccine (5 PP)
-1/3 c. alfredo sauce (7 PP)
-3 oz cooked chicken breast (3 PP)

I finally finished this on Saturday.. sorry folks, it seems that life kinda got in the way...  :)

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 6
Activity points earned: 9
Activity points used: 0

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