Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Back on track... I think

It is Wednesday and the day before Weigh-In.. yes I did not go last week and it was my complete lack of confidence in how the scale would see me.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 24
Activity Points: 9

I tried my sandwich again but with two changes this time.. I still have the turkey sausage but I changed to a multi-grain light english muffin.  It was good.  Ok maybe not, white bread with pork sausage good but I will continue to eat good if it helps with losing weight good.  :)

Breakfast: (9 PP)
-1 Thomas' 100 calorie English muffin (3 PP)
-1 turkey sausage pattie (2 PP)
-1 slice of American cheese (2 PP)
-4 T Sweet Italian Cream creamer (2 PP)

Oh Coffee... how I love thee!  I have not praised my beloved morning drink in a few days!  I must remember to show the love!  It is the bestest... I need to make my decision which creamer I will use on Friday at 4am, because coffee will be my super uber friend while I am up watching all the wedding coverage of Wills and Kate.  I know that seems crazy but I watched Wills' parents wedding live and so I plan on watching his.  It is not everyday you get to watch the marriage of a couple that you know will someday become a king and queen.

Off to start my day.... I need to mow the grass but not feeling it... we shall see if it happens!

So lunch was a bit crazy.... actually it was lunch time before I realized it.  E went to BK and got lunch.  I got a Whopper, no fries and chicken tenders that I shared with him.  Well he had 6 and ate 4 of them, he also had some fries.  He ate really well....

Lunch: (17 PP)
-1 Whopper with no Mayo or Cheese (14 PP)
-2 chicken tenders (3 PP)

I got a bit worried because I did not have dinner planned.  But that is was a plus because it allowed me to make a dinner that is low in PP values.

I had a great snack today and I also did a bit of dancing via Just Dance 2.... so activity points Yeah~

Snack: (1 PP)
-1 serving Caramel rice cake snacks (1 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)

Activity Points: 2

So what dinner did I plan... well it is the night before weigh-in and I had a heavy lunch.  I chose a salad topped with a grilled chicken breast.  I know I know.. I have had a ton of chicken over the last several days but I love it, so I am ok with it.  :)

Dinner: (6 PP)
-Salad greens and veggies (0 PP)
-1 Tyson ready to eat grilled chicken breast (2 PP)
-1 1/4 T. shredded cheddar cheese (1 PP)
-2 T. Sweet honey catalina (3 PP)

I got to enjoy my salad and watch AI.  Now it is time to start some laundry and get Lovey Man ready for bed... Nighty Night All!!!

Daily PP used: 33
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 11
Activity points used: 0

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