Thursday, April 14, 2011

Meeting day....

It is Thursday.  I am feeling good about my week.  So we will see... I need to get breakfast and start my organization for my grocery shopping trip...

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 49
Activity Points: 0

Breakfast: (6 PP)
-1 c. Special K cereal (3 PP)
-2/3 c. Silk Vanilla Soy Milk (2 PP)
-2 T. hazelnut creamer (1 PP)

Easy, quick, and few PP.  I was too busy this morning to be creative.  Plus, I will have a big lunch, so I need to save the PP.

So I went to my meeting and it was a great meeting....

Beginning Weight Loss: 9.5 lbs
Today's result: .4 lb gain
New Weight Loss: 10.1 lbs

Oh no!!  It was a gain... I will admit, this really made me sad.  I did so well I thought this week and then this.  

Lunch was at a local burger place.  I got the Colonial burger - Bacon Cheese Burger with a fried egg.  

Lunch: (28 PP)
-1/3lb Colonial Burger (20 PP)
-Waffle Fries (8 PP)

Colonial Burger with waffle fries

After lunch we went shopping at Target and Publix.  I did soo good shopping.  I will admit, my lunch was inspired by my gain this week.  I know it was not even 1/2 lb but still it had an effect on me.  So that is why I ended up at B&D Burger.  Also, I would like to say "Thank You" to the lady behind me at Target, how saved me from purchasing a chocolate bar by letting me know another register opened up and offered me first shot at it.  I also had to fight the urge to turn into Dairy Queen and Sonic.  I did fight it and did not totally pig out.

I also remember the chocolate caramel mini bar I won at my meeting and ate that.  I worked and curbed my destructive behavior.  *thank goodness

Snack: (2 PP)
-Chocolate caramel mini bar (2 PP)

I did get exercise today.  The shopping counts because I am walking.  :)

Activity Points: 3

I realize after coming home and looking at my journal. I ate out too much this week.  Gotta try not to do that, this week.

I am soo tired.  So it is leftover night for us, I am actually eating a frozen dinner.  It is stuffed cabbage with whipped potatoes.  

Dinner: (5 PP)
-Stuffed Cabbage frozen dinner (5 PP)
-Banana (0 PP)
-3 Newton Thins (4 PP)

Stuffed Cabbage with whipped potatoes

Time to clean the kitchen, get the kiddios ready for bed and then watch Idol results.  Then I will watch Community and Outsourced.  

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 5
Activity points earned: 3
Activity points used: 0

Nighty night all!!

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