Thursday, April 14, 2011

Such a Beautiful Wednesday....

Today is starting off 1000% better than yesterday.  Headache gone (check) Sun shining (check) coffee (check).. what more could a girl ask for...  oh yeah a 17 month old sleeping in (check)

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 32
Activity Points: 11

My Favorite Cup
So as promised I am making a variety of my breakfast this week.  The last couple of days have not been really that different from each other but are different from my norm.  Today is definitely different.  I had scrambled eggs, sausage (saw-sage) and toast with MY homemade blackberry preserves.

Breakfast: (10 PP)
-1/3c. Egg Beaters  (1 PP)
-2 ready to eat sausage patties (4 PP)
-2 slices of toast (4 PP)
-2 t. blackberry preserves (1 PP)

This was really good.  I will admit that it was the first time I have ever cook and eaten Egg Beaters.  I was a bit nervous about it but they were good.  Not the real thing of course, but I could definitely see myself eating them more.  This was not a low PP value breakfast like my cereal days but some days you just have to have a bit more in the mornings.  So raise your hand if you have figured out that I LOVE sausage....

Lovey Man and I were both going a little stir crazy since we had not been to the park this week.  So I decided we needed some out of the house time.  We went to the new local BBQ place and had lunch; then we went to the park.  Lovey Man was in an exploration mode; so he was wanting to look at all the trees and bushes, instead of play on the swings and slides.

Lunch: (18 PP)
-5 oz Pulled Pork (10 PP)
-1 T BBQ sauce (0 PP)
-1/4 c. green beans (0 PP)
-1/2 c. brunswick stew (2 PP)
-1 slice of bread (2 PP)
-8 french fries (4 PP)

Maybe not the smartest of lunches but sooo good!
No snack today...

I did have exercise.  Scooter had softball practice, I got to chase Lovey Man around the ball park.  

Activity Points: 2

Dinner was soooo good.  I smelled it cooking all day.  Knowing that we had to be a practice this afternoon, I put a roast in the crockpot. (recipe below)  It was nice be able to know exactly what we were going to have and not worry about it after practice was over.

Dinner: (12 PP)
-Crockpot Pot Roast (9 PP)
-1/2 c. rice (3 PP)


Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned:13
Activity points used: 0

It is American Idol time - see you all tomorrow....  oh yeah, tomorrow is weigh-in day.  Keep your fingers crossed!  I think I did ok this week and I am pretty sure the scale is going to be my friend.  Nighty night folks...

CrockPot Pot Roast

2-3 lb chuck roast
1/2 lb red potatoes
1/2 lb baby carrots
1 bell pepper
1 med onion
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 packet of beefy onion soup mix
1/3 c. water
Salt, Pepper, and Garlic Powder (to taste)
  1. Prepare veggies.
               -Potatoes - if small, keep whole; large, cut into quarters
                  -Carrots - keep whole
                  -Bell Pepper - slice into large pieces
                  -Onion - cut into large wedges
  2. Place veggies in the bottom of the crock pot.
  3. Place chuck roast on top of veggies.
  4. Mix condensed soup, soup mix and water together in separate bowl.  
  5. Season roast with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
  6. Pour soup mixture over roast and veggies.  
  7. Cook 4-5 hours on high or 8-9 hours on low.
Serve with rice or noodles.

(10 servings - 9 PP)

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