Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Travel Tuesday!

Lovey Man and I are planning on going home but we are leaving Scooter with her Nana and Papa.  She is on Spring Break, so she is loving having time away from Mom and Dad!

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 27
Activity Points: 9

I got up and started packing.  Lovey Man was up a bit earlier than normal but that is ok.  He should sleep on the drive back.  I fix breakfast and we have the same breakfast.

Breakfast: (5 PP)
-1 packet Quaker Oats Instant oatmeal - blueberries & cream (4 PP)
-1 banana (0 PP)
-3 t. non-dairy creamer, powder (1 PP)

So I have added variety to my breakfast and really did not have to work at.  :)

I have finished packing and it is lunch time.  After lunch, we are planning to hit the road for the trip back.  I  made lunch really simple.  Just a bit of leftover grilled chicken....

Lunch: (7 PP)
-4 oz grilled chicken breast (3 PP)
-1 T BBQ sauce (0 PP)
-2 slices of white bread (4 PP)

Yummy and quick.  Now I can go pack the car while Lovey Man is finishing up his lunch.

Ok I had to have a snack.  Because I did NOT eat enough for lunch.  I should have known better.  But  NOOO, I decided to wing it.  So I could have ruined to great day because I did not eat enough filling food to sustain me until the evening.  Or at the very least, enough to keep me from choosing a not so great snack.  I actually ended up with 2 snacks because of my not so fulfilling lunch.  I hope I have learned my lesson!

Snack #1: (12 PP)
-1 SONIC®, America's Drive-In® Snacks & Sides Mozarella Sticks (12 PP)

My Very Not So Smart move!!!  Could have been very very bad to my week!!!

Snack #2: (1 PP)
-1 c grapes (0 PP)
-1 serving of caramel rice cake snacks (1 PP)

Smarter Snack!!  Should have been the one and only one....

No exercise~

I cooked a really great dinner and kept in mind the fact that I had a little amount of PP for dinner.

We had ribs, baked sweet potatoes, and fresh corn on the cob.  So delicious!!

Dinner: (18 PP)
-5 oz pork ribs, country style (10 PP)
-1 med sweet potato, baked (4 PP)
-1 corn on the cob (3 PP)
-1 1/2 t. butter (1 PP)

Fresh corn is the bestest!  I love it!  I could have just had it for dinner only!!

It is time for DWTS and then gonna watch the Voice that I have recording.. Nighty night all!!

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 3
Activity points earned: 9
Activity points used: 0

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