Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's Monday... Blah!

So it's Monday again eh?  It looks to be another beautiful day but for some reason I am in a blah mood.  Maybe I didn't sleep well or it's just one of those days.  Maybe breakfast and coffee will help....

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 35
Activity Points: 11

Breakfast: (8 PP)
-1 1/4 c. Special K cereal (4 PP)
-3/4 c. Silk Vanilla Soy Milk (2 PP)
-4 T. hazelnut creamer (2 PP)

Nope... didn't work... still blah and actually feeling a bit tired.  Now that I have had both, I am starting the feel the workings of a headache.  That is most likely my issue and causing my big case of the Blahs.

So I am having left overs from lunch yesterday.  Still yummy....

Lunch: (13 PP)
- 1/3 Burrito Colorado (6 PP)
-1/2 c spanish rice (3 PP)
-1/2 c. refried beans (4 PP)

Dang E!  He brought home McD Fries... so far so good, I haven't given in.  Oh they are calling me, I hope Lovey Man hurries up and finishes them before I cave.

Woohoo! I didn't cave!

A headache came on and the rest of my day was blah.. actually worse than blah...

Snack: (2 PP)
-4 Hershey Kisses (2 PP)

I thought they would help my headache.  Yeah that's it, they would help the medicine work faster.  Hey, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  :)

Exercise: NONE

Since I felt like warmed over *blank*.. I did not cook, we had takeout.  Not that great but I paid attention to the menu and ordered accordingly.  I also had lots of PP left for the dinner so I was able to be a bit more relax in ordering.

Dinner: (20 PP)
-3 Mozzarella sticks (2 PP)
-3/4 Philly Cheese steak sandwich (14 PP)
-3 french fries (1 PP)
-1 t Ketchup (0 PP)
-1 1/2 Graham Ice Cream sandwiches (3 PP)

I ate a few of the fries but my heart wasn't in it plus they were not that great.  So I decided to pass.  Yes I had 1 1/2 ice cream sandwiches.  I had gotten one for me and one for Lovey Man but he only ate 1/2 of his.  Yes, I finished his.  That also made 2 sweets for the day instead of one.  But as I said earlier, it helped the medicine.  Yeppers, it sure did.  ;)  Well not really but I would like to believe it helped a little.

Went to bed early....

So I am finishing this on Tuesday.. oh well..

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 3
Activity points earned:11
Activity points used: 0

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