Sunday, April 3, 2011

Can I really be good 3 days in a row?!?!?!

I am not sure but let's find out.  Yesterday was a really good day and so I want to keep that good vibe flowing.  *fingers crossed

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 35
Activity Points: 5

So I am changing it up today for breakfast again, so don't faint.  I asked Scooter what she wanted and the choices were french toast or pancakes.  She chose pancakes.  So I made pancakes for me, Scooter, and Lovely Man.  Yes, it says pancakes and yes I ate pancakes. Oh yeah, they also had syrup on them.  DON'T YOU JUDGE ME!!  It is Sunday and a day to relax, eat a late breakfast, and veg-out watching TV or playing on the puter.

So what kinda of damage did the pancakes do to my daily PP.  Why don't we find out!!!

Breakfast: (11 PP)
-4 small pancakes (from mix) (8 PP)
-2 T Chai Latte creamer (2 PP)
-1 T Syrup (1 PP)

So see not bad.  Still lots of points left for the day....

I ended up with a surprise for lunch.  Lovey Man and I were left to have a lunch date, while E and Scooter went to lunch and the movies for a Daddy/Daughter day.  I did not feel like fast food, so I asked Lovey Man and he said that he wanted mexican.  So I was happy to comply.

Lunch: (22 PP)
-Loco Burrito (10 PP)
-Beef Taco (6 PP)
-Tortilla chips (2 PP)
-mexican rice (2 PP)
-refried beans (2 PP)

So good.  Lovey Man had a great suggestion and we both enjoyed ourselves.  He sat there and ate all of his cheese quesadilla, plus some of his rice.

No snack or exercise today.  Well I did got to Walmart for a quick trip but not enough to really count.  Oh well, I will work on the exercise thing tomorrow.  I am planning on playing "Just Dance 2" again.

Tonight a tried a new recipe, Chicken Tikka Masala (recipe below).  It is one of the McCormick recipes that has the pre-measured spices.  I loved it, Scooter loved it, and E did not.  But to be honest, I kinda knew he was not going to like it once I added the spices.  Oh well, he can't like everything.   So yes, I have been good 3 days in a row.  I totally can not believe it! :)

Dinner: (12 PP)
-Chicken Tikka Masala (7 PP)
-1/2 c. rice (3 PP)
-Salad (0 PP)
-1 T. Creamy French dressing (2 PP)

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 5
Activity points earned: 5

Chicken Tikka Masala

2 T. butter
1 1/2 lb. boneless, skinless, chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch cubes
1 med onion, chopped
2 T lemon juice
1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes, undrained
1/3 c. heavy cream
1/2 t salt
1 T cornstarch
Pre-measured spices
    --2 t paprika
    --1 t minced garlic 
    --1 t garam masala
    --1/2 t ground cumin
    -- 1/2 t crushed red pepper (opt)
  1. Melt butter in large nonstick skillet on medium heat.
  2. Add chicken, onion, and lemon juice; cook and stir 10 mins or until chicken is no longer pink.
  3. Add all of the spices except red pepper; cook and stir 1 min
  4. Stir in tomatoes until well mixed.
  5. Stir cream into cornstarch and salt until smooth. Gradually stir into skillet.
  6. Stir in red pepper to taste, if desired.
  7. Bring to boil.  Reduce heat to low; stirring frequently, simmer 5 mins or until slightly thickened.
  8. Serve with cooked rice or naan bread, if desired.

(6 servings - 7 PP per serving)

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