Saturday, April 23, 2011

2 Days, 1 Post

So this will be a summary of Thursday and Friday... I must confess that I did not go to my meeting this week.  Really busy and also a bit scared.  The scale at home was not liking me and thus I had a feeling that the scale at the meeting also would not like me... so there it is, I did weigh on Friday at home for my official weight-in on eTools.

Beginning Weight Loss: 10.1 lbs
Today's result: stayed the same
New Weight Loss: 10.1 lbs

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 49
Activity Points: 0


I had to do some quick errands, Scooters Easter Party, and Softball game... plus housework, mostly laundry....

Breakfast: (9 PP)
-1 turkey sausage patty (2 PP)
-2 slices of bread (4 PP)
-1 slice of american cheese (2 PP)
-2 T. hazelnut creamer (1 PP)

Lunch: (18 PP)
-1 Chick-fil-A Sandwich with extra pickles and cheese (13 PP)
- 1/2 med Waffle Fry (4 PP)
-1 t. Mayo (1 PP)

Dinner: (16 PP)
-1/2 c. pulled pork (4 PP)
-1 baked potato (4 PP)
-2 slices of toast (4 PP)
-1/2 c. brunswick stew (2 PP)

Scooters team won!!  Woohoo!!!  Proud Mama!!!


Scooter, Lovey Man, and I went into Savannah to shop for a dress and groceries.  We also saw the Easter bunny and Scooter got to hold a baby chick....

Pocho the Chick

Breakfast: (10 PP)
-1 turkey sausage patty (2 PP)
-2 slices of bread (4 PP)
-1 slice of american cheese (2 PP)
-4 T. sweet Italian cream creamer (2 PP)

Lunch: (15 PP)
-4 slices of pizza at Cici's (15 PP)
(didn't even bother with a salad)

Snack: (1 PP)
-free coffee from Starbucks in honor of Earth Day (0 PP)
-1 oz half and half (1 PP)

Dinner: (24 PP)
-2 hotdogs with buns (17 PP)
-3 t. Mayo (3 PP)
-18 Lay's Kettle Cooked Reduced Fat chips (4 PP)

Ok ok... so it has been a crazy few days and my eating has shown it.  I really have to work by butt off once I get home if I am going to have things be positive for next week... need to start walking in the mornings and using the Wii....

Daily PP used Thursday: 40
Daily PP used Friday: 40
Weekly PP used: 17
Activity points earned: 0
Activity points used: 0

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