Friday, April 29, 2011

It's that time of the week folks....

So it's weigh-in day!  Anybody want to take bets on how the meeting is going to go.....

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 49
Activity Points: 0

Breakfast: (7 PP)
-1 1/4 c. Special K Blueberry (4 PP)
-1/2 c. milk, whole (2 PP)
-2 T. Hazelnut creamer (1 PP)

Breakfast done.. time to go wake up Lovey Man.  I need to get him fed, dressed, and ready to go to my meeting.

So I went to my meeting and it was a great meeting.... we talked about ways to "dress up" some of the meals that we eat routinely but maybe getting a bit bored of.

Beginning Weight Loss: 10.1 lbs
Today's result: 1.6 lb loss
New Weight Loss: 11.7 lbs

OH YEAH.... it was a loss, it was a loss.... *doing a happy dance

Between the storm, going to get Lovey Man's picture taken, and just the overall traffic is a pain... we had a very late lunch.  So for a lack of brain power to take a good decision, Lovey Man and I ended up having burgers....

Lunch: (23 PP)
-1/3 lb. Western Bacon Cheeseburger (15 PP)
-15 french fries (8 PP)

Yes I did... it was soooooo Yummy! I know but  I will be good for dinner!

So no snack because of a late lunch...

I did get exercise with all the walking around the mall and 2 other stores.  :)

Activity points: 2

Ok E called before I headed home and had a super great idea for dinner.   Not only was the dinner idea great because it is delicious.  It is also a low PP value meal.

Dinner: (12 PP)
-1 serving sauteed Shrimp (7 PP)
-1/2 c. fettuccini alfredo (5 PP)

I recovered really well I think.... so time to go watch a bit of the boob tube and then hopefully to bed early, 4am comes really early... Nighty Night all....

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 2
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0

(sorry all, I thought I had posted this last night.. I guess not)

Sauteed Shrimp

1 1/2 T. butter, salted
1 T. olive oil
1/4 c.shallot, chopped
1 pound of shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 T. fresh lemon juice
salt, pepper, season salt, garlic powder to taste

  1. In a 10 inch skillet over medium heat, melt butter and then add oil.  
  2. Add shallot and let cooked for about 2 mins or until it starts to soften.
  3. Season shrimp while shallots are cooking
  4. Add shrimp to pan and allow to cook until pink.
  5. Add lemon juice and remove from heat.

(3 servings - 7PP)

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