Saturday, April 9, 2011

Softball Saturday.....

Today started off earlier than most Saturdays for me because Scooter had a softball game at 9am.  She did great again.  So proud of her.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 38
Activity Points: 6

Breakfast: (9 PP)
-1 2/3 c. Rice Krispies Cereal
-1 c. Silk Vanilla Soy milk
-1/2 banana
-3 T. Chai Latte creamer

So I am out of my sausage and decided to have some variety with breakfast in the mornings for this week and see if that helps with the weight loss.  If so, I might have to keep the variety even though I soooo love my sandwiches.  But rice krispies with banana are pretty great too.

I got a bit of exercise already this morning, chasing Lovey Man around the ballpark.  I was happy that the game was this morning because it is going to get really warm later on today.

Got some good news early this morning, B&B decided to make their appearance earlier than expected.  But I am happy that all is well and that mommy, daddy, big sissy, and babies are doing great.  Congrats to M & C and welcome to the world B&B

We had a pretty relaxed lunch.  After an early morning, it was nice to just relax a bit for lunch.

Lunch: (17 PP)
-Turkey Sandwich (11 PP)

  • 2 slices of Pepperidge Farm Oatmeal Bread (6 PP)
  • 8 slices of deli-sliced turkey (3 PP)
  • 2 t. Mayo (2 PP)
  • 1 slice of tomato (0 PP)
  • lettuce (0 PP)

-15 Sunchips Harvest Cheddar (4 PP)
-1 Jello SugarFree Chocolate Pudding (2 PP)
-1 T. Reddi Whip (0 PP)

No snack today.  But I got a chance to take a nap.  Yep that's right I got a NAP!!  Woohoo!

After my nap, we had fun family time washing the car.  We got the car all clean and we all came in looking like drowned rats.  :)  But we were all laughing and had a great time.

Total Activity Points: 3

Dinner was again just a relaxed time for us.  I grilled hamburgers.  I actually prefer homemade hamburgers to most restaurant ones.  There are a few that I do LOVE but not any that are fast food.  I am hoping for an early night for all of us.

Dinner: (17 PP)
-Hamburger (13 PP)

  • 4oz patty 85/15 (7 PP)
  • bun (4 PP)
  • 2 t. Mayo (2 PP)
  • tomato (0 PP)
  • lettuce (0 PP)
  • onion (0 PP)
  • pickle (0 PP)
  • ketchup (0 PP)

-13 Ruffles reduced fat chips (4 PP)

So if you noticed, I had only one sweet item today.  I am going to try to limit myself to one per day.  That way I can help save PP and help control my cravings.  :)

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 3
Activity points earned: 9
Activity points used: 0

I am off to finish watching Pride and Prejudice.   See you all tomorrow!

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