Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hello Tuesday, Please be kind to me.

So after my meltdown last night, I am back on track.  Yes, I am!!

Positive vibes being sent out in the universe.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 26
Activity Points: 7

I got up this morning feeling pretty good.  So I decided to make a good breakfast for Scooter and myself.  I feel like she needed something besides cereal this morning.  I also am getting my variety in... hehehehe

Breakfast: (10 PP)
-1 egg, scrambled (2 PP)
-4 sausage patties (4 PP)
-1 slice of toast (2 PP)
-1 1/2 t. preserves (1 PP)
-2 T creamer (1 PP)

Everybody should believe in something.  I believe I will have another cup of coffee. Good morning my friends, have a great day  ";o}"

So far so good, E asked what I wanted him to pick up, he mentioned Sonic, and I passed.  Oh I would love sonic cheese burger with mayo and ketchup with fried pickles and a Rt44 cherry vanilla diet Dr. Pepper.. but I said NO!  I have done my burger fix for the week and so I am trying to be good.  So what am I having, taco salad.  I am using the leftovers from taco night on Sunday and making lunch.  *doing happy dance

Lunch: (10 PP)
-1/2 c. ground beef with taco seasoning (3 PP)
-1 1/2 taco shells (2 PP)
-1 T. cheddar cheese, shredded (1 PP)
-1 T. salsa (0 PP)
-4 t. sour cream (1 PP)
-1 1/2 T. spicy ranch dressing (3 PP)
-lettuce and tomato (0 PP)
-tangerine (0 PP)

Oh yeah baby....

I had a snack today.  I had my last Nature Valley Granola Thin with Dark Chocolate.

Snack: (2 PP)

Scooter had softball practice today.  However, Lovey Man did not have is nap so he and I sat most of practice.  So no activity points again.  He and I need to make a trip to the park or I need to start dancing with Just Dance 2 again.  I gotta get off this lazy butt....

I did very good for dinner.  I was proud of myself for keeping things on track all day.

Dinner: (17 PP)
-5oz Hamburger Steak with grilled onions (9 PP)
-1/2 c. green beans (0 PP)
-baked potato (6 PP)
-2 t. whipped butter (1 PP)
-1 T. sour cream (1 PP)

Overall a very good day.  I still have things I need to work on making sure I do everyday or at least on a consistent basis.   Exercise is one and I also need to work on making sure that I am drinking enough water.

Time of DWTS and then a late night watching the Braves... see you all tomorrow!!!

Daily PP used: 39
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 7
Activity points used: 0

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