Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Could be another rainy Tuesday....

Yesterday was blah and today is about the same.  I still have the headache and now it looks like rain.  Also, long night with Lovey Man.  Already working on the coffee...

coffee, COFFEE, coffee, coffee, coffee, COFFEE, coffee, coffee, COFFEE, COFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Give me!!

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 32
Activity Points: 11

I do not feel like eating anything but I need to... so I am going with the same as yesterday...

Breakfast: (6 PP)
-1 c. Special K cereal (3 PP)
-1/2 c. Silk Vanilla Soy Milk (1 PP)
-1 banana (0 PP)
-4 T. hazelnut creamer (2 PP)

Lunch is a lovely meal from Burger King.  Now before you judge me, just let me explain.  I am not falling off the program.  I am staying on and anyone that knows WW knows that you can eat at fast food restaurants as long as you are careful with what you order.  I had a Whopper Jr with no mayo or cheese, 3 chicken nuggets, and a serving of Sunchips.  If you look at it, it is a regular burger with ketchup only with the addition of lettuce, tomato, and onion.  That helps with the filling part of the meal.  I did not have fries or dipping sauce for the nuggets.  So if you look at the meal it is very close to me making a sandwich with chips at home.

Lunch: (15 PP)
-1 Whopper Jr. no mayo, no cheese (7 PP)
-3 chicken tenders (4 PP)
-15 Harvest Cheddar Sunchips (4 PP)

Still have lots of points for dinner - which will be Spaghetti (homemade sauce).  Scooter requested making it with me this morning, so I am going to honor her request.  :^)

Snack: (2 PP)
-1 WW dark chocolate turtle mini bar (2 PP)

No exercise again today...


Homemade spaghetti is the bestest ever.  I will share pictures but not recipe.  Very guarded secret.  I tell no one.  

Dinner: (14 PP)
-2/3 c. MY Spaghetti Sauce with beef (4 PP)
-1 1/3 c. cooked Vermicelli (7 PP)
-1 T. Kraft Sweet Honey Catalina (3 PP)
-Salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, and cucumber) (0 PP)

Oh I also made homemade brownies again... not sharing that one either.  Not because it is so guarded but more that I am playing with the recipe to get it right.  So not gonna share an unfinished recipe.  Maybe in the near future.

Daily PP used: 37
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned:11
Activity points used: 0

Well lookey here folks, I get to go to bed a happy woman.  I had a great day and did not even eat all my points today.  I am satisfied and not going to bed hungry.  Or overstuffed, which is what used to happen on spaghetti night.  Yeah me!!  *fast clapping    (Oh no-- did I just do that, gotta stop watching TV with Scooter).

So my day started off rough but ended very nicely.  I now have a date with my pillow and bed.. nighty night all!

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