Saturday, April 30, 2011

Today is the day... sooooo early~

Ok I am up at 4am... but I am sure it will be worth it.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 47
Activity Points: 2

It was worth the whole pot of coffee.  Kate was stunning and Wills was handsome... very very nice.  I broke out the special creamer this morning!!  

Breakfast: (11 PP)
-1 turkey sausage sandwich (8 PP)
- 6 T. Southern Pecan creamer (3 PP)
-1 banana (0 PP)

Of course, after a whole pot of coffee and being up for 4 hours I needed food.  So I ate a banana.  It was after Lovey Man got up that I had my sandwich.

E, Lovey Man, and I went to lunch together today.  Nice little treat for us.  I needed to make my weekly run to the grocery store and so we decided to do lunch first.

Lunch: (19 PP)
-1 beef crunchy taco (6 PP)
-1 beef enchilada (5 PP)
-1/4 c. spanish rice (2 PP)
-1/3 c. refried beans (3 PP)
-10 tortilla chips (3 PP)
-salsa (0 PP)

Oh yeah... had my favorite.  Mexican baby!!!!

Snack: (6 PP)
-1 pineapple greek yogurt (4 PP)
1/2 oz banana chips (2 PP)

I know with my lunch choices I should not have had a snack but I have been up wwwaaaayyyyy toooooo long.  I needed the extra to make it the rest of the day.  Still worth it!!!

Lovey Man and I went grocery shopping but that was not enough exercise to count activity points.  Maybe tomorrow.

With my very long day, I had planned to make meatloaf but E decided that since I was sooo tired we should pick-up food.  I think he just wanted his favorite steak sandwich and so that is why he suggested it.  But I will take the gesture.  :)  I had a corned beef on rye... so goooooooood!!!

Dinner: (16 PP)
-1 Corned Beef with Swiss on Rye (12 PP)
-1 serving of reduced fat kettle cooked chips (4 PP)

So I wasn't that great today.  But it was a super long day and I did not take nap.  Also, it is the day after weigh in so I have time to be much much better.

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 12
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0

Friday, April 29, 2011

It's that time of the week folks....

So it's weigh-in day!  Anybody want to take bets on how the meeting is going to go.....

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 49
Activity Points: 0

Breakfast: (7 PP)
-1 1/4 c. Special K Blueberry (4 PP)
-1/2 c. milk, whole (2 PP)
-2 T. Hazelnut creamer (1 PP)

Breakfast done.. time to go wake up Lovey Man.  I need to get him fed, dressed, and ready to go to my meeting.

So I went to my meeting and it was a great meeting.... we talked about ways to "dress up" some of the meals that we eat routinely but maybe getting a bit bored of.

Beginning Weight Loss: 10.1 lbs
Today's result: 1.6 lb loss
New Weight Loss: 11.7 lbs

OH YEAH.... it was a loss, it was a loss.... *doing a happy dance

Between the storm, going to get Lovey Man's picture taken, and just the overall traffic is a pain... we had a very late lunch.  So for a lack of brain power to take a good decision, Lovey Man and I ended up having burgers....

Lunch: (23 PP)
-1/3 lb. Western Bacon Cheeseburger (15 PP)
-15 french fries (8 PP)

Yes I did... it was soooooo Yummy! I know but  I will be good for dinner!

So no snack because of a late lunch...

I did get exercise with all the walking around the mall and 2 other stores.  :)

Activity points: 2

Ok E called before I headed home and had a super great idea for dinner.   Not only was the dinner idea great because it is delicious.  It is also a low PP value meal.

Dinner: (12 PP)
-1 serving sauteed Shrimp (7 PP)
-1/2 c. fettuccini alfredo (5 PP)

I recovered really well I think.... so time to go watch a bit of the boob tube and then hopefully to bed early, 4am comes really early... Nighty Night all....

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 2
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0

(sorry all, I thought I had posted this last night.. I guess not)

Sauteed Shrimp

1 1/2 T. butter, salted
1 T. olive oil
1/4 c.shallot, chopped
1 pound of shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 T. fresh lemon juice
salt, pepper, season salt, garlic powder to taste

  1. In a 10 inch skillet over medium heat, melt butter and then add oil.  
  2. Add shallot and let cooked for about 2 mins or until it starts to soften.
  3. Season shrimp while shallots are cooking
  4. Add shrimp to pan and allow to cook until pink.
  5. Add lemon juice and remove from heat.

(3 servings - 7PP)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Less Baggage, Longer Trip....

Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. 
The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.

~Arnold H. Glasgow

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Back on track... I think

It is Wednesday and the day before Weigh-In.. yes I did not go last week and it was my complete lack of confidence in how the scale would see me.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 24
Activity Points: 9

I tried my sandwich again but with two changes this time.. I still have the turkey sausage but I changed to a multi-grain light english muffin.  It was good.  Ok maybe not, white bread with pork sausage good but I will continue to eat good if it helps with losing weight good.  :)

Breakfast: (9 PP)
-1 Thomas' 100 calorie English muffin (3 PP)
-1 turkey sausage pattie (2 PP)
-1 slice of American cheese (2 PP)
-4 T Sweet Italian Cream creamer (2 PP)

Oh Coffee... how I love thee!  I have not praised my beloved morning drink in a few days!  I must remember to show the love!  It is the bestest... I need to make my decision which creamer I will use on Friday at 4am, because coffee will be my super uber friend while I am up watching all the wedding coverage of Wills and Kate.  I know that seems crazy but I watched Wills' parents wedding live and so I plan on watching his.  It is not everyday you get to watch the marriage of a couple that you know will someday become a king and queen.

Off to start my day.... I need to mow the grass but not feeling it... we shall see if it happens!

So lunch was a bit crazy.... actually it was lunch time before I realized it.  E went to BK and got lunch.  I got a Whopper, no fries and chicken tenders that I shared with him.  Well he had 6 and ate 4 of them, he also had some fries.  He ate really well....

Lunch: (17 PP)
-1 Whopper with no Mayo or Cheese (14 PP)
-2 chicken tenders (3 PP)

I got a bit worried because I did not have dinner planned.  But that is was a plus because it allowed me to make a dinner that is low in PP values.

I had a great snack today and I also did a bit of dancing via Just Dance 2.... so activity points Yeah~

Snack: (1 PP)
-1 serving Caramel rice cake snacks (1 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)

Activity Points: 2

So what dinner did I plan... well it is the night before weigh-in and I had a heavy lunch.  I chose a salad topped with a grilled chicken breast.  I know I know.. I have had a ton of chicken over the last several days but I love it, so I am ok with it.  :)

Dinner: (6 PP)
-Salad greens and veggies (0 PP)
-1 Tyson ready to eat grilled chicken breast (2 PP)
-1 1/4 T. shredded cheddar cheese (1 PP)
-2 T. Sweet honey catalina (3 PP)

I got to enjoy my salad and watch AI.  Now it is time to start some laundry and get Lovey Man ready for bed... Nighty Night All!!!

Daily PP used: 33
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 11
Activity points used: 0

Inspirational Quote of the Day....

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
~Thomas A. Edison

Travel Tuesday!

Lovey Man and I are planning on going home but we are leaving Scooter with her Nana and Papa.  She is on Spring Break, so she is loving having time away from Mom and Dad!

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 27
Activity Points: 9

I got up and started packing.  Lovey Man was up a bit earlier than normal but that is ok.  He should sleep on the drive back.  I fix breakfast and we have the same breakfast.

Breakfast: (5 PP)
-1 packet Quaker Oats Instant oatmeal - blueberries & cream (4 PP)
-1 banana (0 PP)
-3 t. non-dairy creamer, powder (1 PP)

So I have added variety to my breakfast and really did not have to work at.  :)

I have finished packing and it is lunch time.  After lunch, we are planning to hit the road for the trip back.  I  made lunch really simple.  Just a bit of leftover grilled chicken....

Lunch: (7 PP)
-4 oz grilled chicken breast (3 PP)
-1 T BBQ sauce (0 PP)
-2 slices of white bread (4 PP)

Yummy and quick.  Now I can go pack the car while Lovey Man is finishing up his lunch.

Ok I had to have a snack.  Because I did NOT eat enough for lunch.  I should have known better.  But  NOOO, I decided to wing it.  So I could have ruined to great day because I did not eat enough filling food to sustain me until the evening.  Or at the very least, enough to keep me from choosing a not so great snack.  I actually ended up with 2 snacks because of my not so fulfilling lunch.  I hope I have learned my lesson!

Snack #1: (12 PP)
-1 SONIC®, America's Drive-In® Snacks & Sides Mozarella Sticks (12 PP)

My Very Not So Smart move!!!  Could have been very very bad to my week!!!

Snack #2: (1 PP)
-1 c grapes (0 PP)
-1 serving of caramel rice cake snacks (1 PP)

Smarter Snack!!  Should have been the one and only one....

No exercise~

I cooked a really great dinner and kept in mind the fact that I had a little amount of PP for dinner.

We had ribs, baked sweet potatoes, and fresh corn on the cob.  So delicious!!

Dinner: (18 PP)
-5 oz pork ribs, country style (10 PP)
-1 med sweet potato, baked (4 PP)
-1 corn on the cob (3 PP)
-1 1/2 t. butter (1 PP)

Fresh corn is the bestest!  I love it!  I could have just had it for dinner only!!

It is time for DWTS and then gonna watch the Voice that I have recording.. Nighty night all!!

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 3
Activity points earned: 9
Activity points used: 0

Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend withdrawal....

It was a long weekend, with lots of fun and food... now is the withdrawal period....

My plan that will lead me down the road to recovery, includes being really good and trying my dangdest to not use any more Weekly PP and including lot of exercise.... let's see if the plan works...

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 27
Activity Points: 5

Up early but still at the parents' house so not stressing.  Scooter and Lovey Man love it at Nana and Papa's so they are being really good kiddios.

Since my parents are working on getting healthier, it helps me to get a good start on my road to recovery....

Breakfast: (5 PP)
-1 packet Quaker Oats Instant oatmeal - peaches & cream (4 PP)
-3 t. non-dairy creamer, powder (1 PP)

so far so good!!!  I couldn't ask for a better morning.. well maybe a couple more minutes of sleep  :)

But after several cups of coffee, not a big deal that I was up early!

Lunch was a mixture of left overs.... a little grilled chicken, some Easter egg salad, and pretzels....

Lunch: (11 PP)
-1/2 of an Easter egg salad sandwich (4 PP)
-1 grilled chicken drumstick (2 PP)
-1 grilled chicken wing (1 PP)
-1 T BBQ sauce (0 PP)
-1 1/2 oz mini pretzel twists (4 PP)

It was nice to have lunch with Scooter, Lovey Man, and my dad!

Off to see what the rest of the day holds for us.... probably some outside time and some riding on the golf cart.

My snack today was 1/2 an apple I shared with Lovey Man and a sugar-free coconut Popsicle.  I totally enjoyed both and they were even better when I realized the PP values.

Snack: (0 PP)
-1/2 an apple (0 PP)
-1 sugar-free coconut Popsicle (0 PP)

OH yeah baby!!!

I also got my exercise in today.  I went for a nice walk with my mom, Scooter and Lovey Man.  We walked after eating dinner and before DWTS.

Activity Points: 4

I made a new recipe that I found on WW site. It is called Italian Skillet Chicken (recipe tomorrow).  I did not follow the recipe exactly but it still turned out great.  I did an edit on the recipe on my PP tracker so that I got the right number of points.

Dinner: (7 PP)
-1 serving of Italian Skillet Chicken (5 PP)
-1/2 Minute Instant white rice (2 PP)
-1/3 c. Birds Eye® Steamfresh™ Lightly Sauced Broccoli with Cheese Sauce (0 PP)

Ok folks, if you have done some quick math, you realize that I have 17 points left.  WOW!  I feel like I have eaten a lot today.  I just made a lot of the right choices.   I am so proud of myself.  So I feel a reward is deserved.

Dessert: (16 PP)
-1 slice of my Coconut Cake with 7-Minute Frosting (16 PP)

Yes I did!  I had the PP left and I did not get to really enjoy any of the desserts that I made yesterday.  So I decided that I wanted to use my PP this way.  So :^P  !!!!  It is a very rare day that I have that many left at the end of the day.  I may pay for it later but I soo enjoyed it tonight.

I ate it while watching DWTS... once again I believe that Kendra has gots to go!!

Alrighty folks it is time for bed.. Nighty night all!!!

Daily PP used: 39
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 9
Activity points used: 0