Friday, March 25, 2011

Why am I doing this....

So for my true first post I am going to explain a little behind why I am doing this.  For those of you that know me and especially those who have seen me recently, you know that I am overweight.  I am not going to make myself feel better by saying I am slightly overweight.  I am VERY overweight.  So my thinking is that I am going to use the blog as my motivation to loss the weight and stay on track.

I am currently attend a weekly Weight Watchers meeting.  Not as consistently as I should but I am hoping to change that.  So what do I have planned for this blog:  I am going to post what I eat, the number of Point Plus for each item (while keeping track for you where I am daily and weekly with my points), if I exercise, if I go to my WW meeting, etc.  I am hoping that the biggest motivator will be to show the progress that I am making in my process of losing weight and becoming healthier.  However, I WILL NOT ever post my weight on here.  Only my weight loss/gain, in regards to my progression to becoming less of the woman that I am today.

My first step in this process is to show the real me, to post a picture that is the true me, no interesting angles, no closeups and cropping...

So to start this off.. here it is folks... this is me.. as I am at the start of this blog...

Here we GO............

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