Monday, March 28, 2011

I ate What? on Friday...

Ok ok.. so I start a blog at the end of last week and I am currently 3 days behind... oh well.. I am new at this so I am having to learn how to keep up...  So what did I eat on Friday....

Daily PP - 40
Weekly PP - 47

Breakfast: (9 PP)
- Sausage & Cheese sandwich (7 PP)

  • Pork Sausage Patty
  • Slice of American Cheese
  • English muffin
-COFFEE!!!  (2 PP)

  • I again had 2big cups.. sooo yummy and necessary!!!  I had vanilla nut flavored beans with french vanilla creamer... it made for wonderful smells in my house.
Lunch: (19 PP)
So this is a complete weirdo lunch.  I started by just grabbing a couple small things and going to be satisfied with that.  But E brought home a sub from Larry's and I was done for.  So I helped him with is footlong club sub.  I actually felt bad after eating all of this.

-Larry's Giant Subs - 6" Kongs Club (11PP)

  • with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, and black pepper

-Fried Chicken Drumstick (cold and leftover from earlier in the week - still yummy)  (3 PP)
-8 scoop Tortilla chips (2 PP)
-one of the new Weight Watcher coffee cake snacks (3 PP)

Snack: No snack today because of I felt so bad about lunch.. I did not eat again until dinner

Dinner:(19 PP)
-Bologna Sandwich with Chips (13 PP)

  • 1 slice of thick cut Bologna (4 PP)
  • 2 slices of bread (4 PP)
  • 1T of mayo, reg (3 PP)
  • 1 serving of Ruffles, light (2 PP)

- Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Bar (3 PP)
-2 Reduce Fat Chips Ahoy (3 PP)

The fudge bar was a planned part of my dinner, the Chips Ahoy was not.  They were in impulse and to be honest I was eating them before I really realized what I was doing.  I was in the kitchen making E's dessert that included the cookies.  So out of habit, I grabbed two extra for me and ate them mindlessly while making the dessert.  After realizing what I had done, the guilt hit me.

Daily PP used 40
Weekly PP used 7

So we are only on day 2 of posting and I am already showing some of my weaknesses.  The BLT's and mindless eating are my biggest problems.  I have to learn not to eat just because.  Ok, so what are BLT's - well they are not Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwiches, which I love!! - they are Bites, Licks, and Tastes.  These can really add up if you are doing them frequently.

I am hoping to learn to control both of these impulses.  We shall see!!!

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