Monday, March 28, 2011

Holy Cow! My Saturday was a BIG eating day...

So I have the wonderful pleasure of spending the weekend with my awesome parents.  They came into town and  we had such a great time.  One of the biggest pleasures was going shopping with my mom and her being sooo happy at the fact that she is buying new clothes that are a smaller size.  Both of my parents are on a diet and it is working great for both of them.

Ok I have to admit, I thought I was doing really well with my eating choices.  It was not until I sat down and did the points counting that I realized that I did not do as well as I thought.  I knew I was going to be using some of my weekly points because I was splurging a bit.  But I really should have done the points counting during the day, instead of waiting and doing it after the eating for the day was done.  I would be been better the latter half of the day.  :)

So what did my day look like....

Daily PP - 40
Weekly PP - 40

Breakfast: (10 PP)
- Sausage & Cheese sandwich (8 PP)

  • Pork Sausage Patty
  • Slice of American Cheese
  • 2 slices of bread
-Vanilla Nut Coffee with French Vanilla Creamer (2 PP)
            - could not resist two days in a row!!  :)
    -Dairy Queen (24 PP)

    • Chicken Quesadilla Basket  (24 PP)
             - It included the Quesadilla, salsa, sour cream, and onion rings (I did not eat all of the sour cream or onion rings, in the hopes of saving a few PPs)

    Snack: Again no snack because I knew that I was having a date with E and wanted to save points for later

    Dinner:(30 PP)
    -Chicken Fresco Entrée with Salad Bar from Ruby Tuesday (16 PP)

    • Chicken Fresco (10 PP)
    • White Cheddar Mashed Potatoes (4 PP)
    • 1/2 c. Steamed broccoli (0 PP)
    • Salad from Salad bar - no meat or cheese - all veggies (0 PP)
    • 1T French Dressing (2 PP)
    -Cheddar Biscuits - 3 of them :(  (6 PP)
    -Cosmopolitan (5 PP)  It was sooooo good and planned so I not regretting it!!
    -Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Bar after I got home (3 PP)

    The biscuits were my down fall at dinner although not as bad as my lunch was

    Daily PP used 40
    Weekly PP used 24

    So after looking at my day... my lunch at DQ that I thought was a good choice was not!  If I would have done my points before my date, I would have been even more careful.  Oh well I do have weekly points left.  So that is a good thing.

    I can't regret my date of a movie and dinner. It is a time spent alone with E and thus I will enjoy myself.  However, the movie we chose to see was SuckerPunch, my reaction to it was "What the hell was that?"  I was confused for a large section of the beginning and even after I caught on to that was going on, I still was not into it.  Then at dinner, I was analyzing some of the tiniest details to help make sense of the movie.  That does not make me a happy girl.  I love to go to the movies and zone out.  I actually do not mind a bit of thinking but what happened because of this movie made me no happy at all.  I had high hopes for this movie because it was linked to the people that made "300" (which I really liked) and "Watchmen" (which was a good movie).  Thus, it did not live up to the hype in my head.  Oh well, you live and you learn.  I just hated I spent the money to see it!

    Oh well.. on to another day and soon another movie....

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