Friday, March 25, 2011

I ate What? on Thursday...

I have decided to back up a day and post what I ate yesterday before moving on to today.  Thursdays are my Weight Watcher meeting day and the beginning of my week.  So I felt it is only fair that I start at the beginning and not the middle.  :)

Daily PointsPlus*  40
Weekly PointsPlus* 49

Breakfast: (10 Points Plus*)
- Sausage & Cheese sandwich (8 Points Plus*)

  • Pork Sausage Patty
  • Slice of American Cheese
  • 2 slices of bread
-COFFEE!!!  (ima addict and you will probably see this entry several times a day) (2 Points Plus*)

  • I take my coffee with 2 splendas and 2T of flavored non-dairy liquid creamer
  • I had 2 big cups.. sooo yummy and necessary!!!
-Fatz Cafe (13PP*)

  • 6pc. chicken finger lunch entree (13 PP*)
Snack: (2PP*)
-Popcorn at the ball park (1PP*)
-Iced Coffee (1PP*)

-Steak and Chicken Entrée from Seasons of Japan

  • 2 oz Teriyaki Chicken (4PP*)
  • 2 oz Hibachi Steak (5PP*)
  • 1/2 c Fried Rice (4PP*)
  • 2 1/2 T Shrimp Sauce (1PP*)
  • 1/2 c. Hibachi veggies (1PP*)

Daily PP* used 40
Weekly PP* used 2

(*I am shortening PointsPlus to PP - it's for me to make the typing a nanosecond faster)

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