Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Wednesday and I'm singing....

It is finally the last day of my first week of blogging.  Tomorrow is my day to see what kinda of damage my weekend had on my weight loss progress...  (hearing the sounds "dum dum dum").  And yes I am singing today, the song is "Rain Rain go away, come again another day".  And as you can guess, yes another day inside.  :(  I know it is needed because of all of the wildfires that have been burning and effecting people I know.  But I am going to be selfish and state that if it would just stop raining at my house and within say a mile or so, I would be happy.  I know I know, there are some that would say, why not do inside exercise.  I do have a Wii but I have yet to find an exercise game that I like for it.  I have the Wii Fit but just can not seem to stick to it.  So any suggestions??

Ok my dinner last night was soooooo yummy and I really enjoyed it.  I love being able to cook things that I love and still be able to keep on track with my PointsPlus totals.  Yes I made brownies last night from scratch but I did not eat ANY of them.  I did not even taste test the batter... that is a HUGE deal for me.  I am saving my treat of a brownie for tomorrow but only if I have a positive at my Weight Watcher meeting. (fingers crossed)

So now on to my day...

Daily PP - 40
Weekly PP - 5

Breakfast: (11 PP)
- Yeppers 3 cups of coffee today, it's raining so that means I have to have more, right?!?!  I went with the French Vanilla creamer today, not sure why.  Maybe it is that used the Chai 2 days in a row or maybe it is the rain or just that I am in a vanilla kinda mood.  :)

Lunch is a bit boring today.  Bologna sandwich with chips and fresh fruit.

Lunch: (13 PP)
-Bologna Sandwich with Chips (13 PP)

  • 1 slice of thick cut Bologna (4 PP)
  • 2 slices of bread (4 PP)
  • 1T of mayo, reg (3 PP)
  • 1 serving of Ruffles, light (2 PP)

- Fresh Pineapple (0 PP)
- Fresh Strawberries (0 PP)

I soo enjoyed my snack today.  I was in the process of making ice cream sandwiches (recipe to follow at a later date) and I decided to have a bit of chocolate.  Yes, the chocolate graham cracker was enough.  It gave me the satisfaction that I was looking for without using a ton of my points.

Snack: (1 PP)
-2 small chocolate graham crackers (1 PP)
-1 small banana (0 PP)
-1tsp whipped topping (0 PP)

Dinner was a hodgepodge of  things.  Some leftover and some made tonight.  I had leftover chicken that I added BBQ sauce to, with sweet peas and butter herb pasta.  So yummy and with the addition of the BBQ sauce it did not seem like my chicken was leftover.  So Duh-WINNER!  or Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!  :)

My ice cream sandwiches are not ready.. so I went for a bowl of fresh strawberries and bananas with a drizzle of chocolate sauce and a plop of left over CoolWhip.  So very very good!  Now I can say that I am stuffed!

Dinner: (15 PP)
-6 oz Chicken breast, boneless, skinless (6 PP)
-1 1/2T Carolina Mustard BBQ sauce (1 PP)
-1/3c. canned sweet peas (1 PP)
-3/4c. butter and herb rigatoni (from box) (6 PP)
-1/2c. strawberries (0 PP)
-1 small banana (0 PP)
-1/2T. chocolate syrup
-1T. Coolwhip (0 PP)

Daily PP used 40
Weekly PP used 0

Wow!  I finished the week awesome!  I actually have 5 weekly points left!!  Woohoo!!!!!!

So now all that is left is to see how tomorrow goes... keep your fingers crossed.  :)

Off to watch AI!!  Go James!!!

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