Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's Thursday!!!

So I went to my WW meeting.  The topic was Finding a Weightloss Buddy.  Looking for someone to support you and be able to understand the journey and process as you move forward.  It was a good meeting.  The outcome from the scale was not positive or negative.   So no brownie for me.  Oh well with fingers crossed next week will be better.

Beginning Weight Loss: 9.5 lbs
Today's result: 0
New Weight Loss: 9.5 lbs

As my bestest told me.. that result is much better than gaining, and I have to agree with her.  :)

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 49

Breakfast: (9 PP)
-Only one cup of coffee today.  Had a busy morning and not a lot of time to enjoy myself.

Lovey man and I got up, had breakfast, went to the meeting, and then went shopping.  I spent $63 dollars at the grocery store and saved $45.  That is a good trip.  I even got somethings FREE and others really really close to being free.

After the meeting we went to lunch.  I always treat myself on Thursdays regardless of the outcome of the scale at the meeting.   It is my chance to have some time with Lovey Man, we have lunch dates on Thursday.  Our restaurant today was Chili's.

Lunch: (27 PP)
-Chili's Lunch combo (27 PP)

  • Lunch House Salad (2 PP)
  • Big Mouth Burger Bites w/ Fries (25 PP)

I did have dressing with my salad.  However, it is was on the side and I did not pour the dressing on top.  I dipped my fork into the dressing and then would spear the salad.  That way I get the taste of the dressing and not have the veggies floating in it.  I did check the PP on the approx amount I used and it came back as 0.

Snack: (2 PP)
-Graham Ice Cream Sandwich (see recipe below) (2 PP)

I was sooooo craving a mini Hawaiian Blizzard from DQ.  But I resisted.  I waited until I came come and tried one of the Graham Ice Cream Sandwiches that I made last night.  It was good and satisfied my need for a sweet.  Woohoo!

Dinner: (14 PP)
-4oz Pork Tenderloin (3 PP)
-Corn on Cob (med) (2 PP)
-Pan-Roasted Asparagus and Tomatoes (2 PP)
-Yeast dinner roll (4 PP)
-Margarine (1 PP)
           --Graham Ice Cream Sandwich (2 PP)

Yummy Yummy... that was such a great dinner.  The Pan-Roasted Asparagus and Tomatoes (recipe below) is a recipe that I found in a Weight Watcher special edition magazine.  Not sure how it was going to go over but I loved it, E liked it, and Scooter thought it was nasty.  :)

So now that dinner is over, everyone has been fed, and the dishes are done.  It is now time to relax and watch a little American Idol.

Daily PP used 40
Weekly PP used 12


Graham Ice Cream Sandwich

12 whole chocolate graham cracker sheet
12T. CoolWhip
  1. Divide the cracker sheets into smaller squares (24 small squares)
  2. Place 12 of the smaller squares on workspace.  The place 1 tablespoon of CoolWhip in the middle of each square.
  3. Place the remaining squares on top of CoolWhip to form sandwich. Press lightly to even out
  4. Cover in plastic wrap or place in container.  Place in freezer for several hours or overnight.

(12 servings - 2 PP per serving)

Pan-Roasted Asparagus and Tomatoes

1 lb asparagus spears, trimmed
1 T olive oil
2 c grape tomatoes
1/4 t salt
1/4 t freshly ground black pepper
  1. Rinse asparagus (do not dry).
  2. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.  Add asparagus; cook 3 mins.
  3. Add tomatoes; cook 2 minutes or until asparagus is crisp-tender and tomatoes just begin to burst, turning asparagus occasionally with tons.
  4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

(4 servings - 2 PP per serving)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Wednesday and I'm singing....

It is finally the last day of my first week of blogging.  Tomorrow is my day to see what kinda of damage my weekend had on my weight loss progress...  (hearing the sounds "dum dum dum").  And yes I am singing today, the song is "Rain Rain go away, come again another day".  And as you can guess, yes another day inside.  :(  I know it is needed because of all of the wildfires that have been burning and effecting people I know.  But I am going to be selfish and state that if it would just stop raining at my house and within say a mile or so, I would be happy.  I know I know, there are some that would say, why not do inside exercise.  I do have a Wii but I have yet to find an exercise game that I like for it.  I have the Wii Fit but just can not seem to stick to it.  So any suggestions??

Ok my dinner last night was soooooo yummy and I really enjoyed it.  I love being able to cook things that I love and still be able to keep on track with my PointsPlus totals.  Yes I made brownies last night from scratch but I did not eat ANY of them.  I did not even taste test the batter... that is a HUGE deal for me.  I am saving my treat of a brownie for tomorrow but only if I have a positive at my Weight Watcher meeting. (fingers crossed)

So now on to my day...

Daily PP - 40
Weekly PP - 5

Breakfast: (11 PP)
- Yeppers 3 cups of coffee today, it's raining so that means I have to have more, right?!?!  I went with the French Vanilla creamer today, not sure why.  Maybe it is that used the Chai 2 days in a row or maybe it is the rain or just that I am in a vanilla kinda mood.  :)

Lunch is a bit boring today.  Bologna sandwich with chips and fresh fruit.

Lunch: (13 PP)
-Bologna Sandwich with Chips (13 PP)

  • 1 slice of thick cut Bologna (4 PP)
  • 2 slices of bread (4 PP)
  • 1T of mayo, reg (3 PP)
  • 1 serving of Ruffles, light (2 PP)

- Fresh Pineapple (0 PP)
- Fresh Strawberries (0 PP)

I soo enjoyed my snack today.  I was in the process of making ice cream sandwiches (recipe to follow at a later date) and I decided to have a bit of chocolate.  Yes, the chocolate graham cracker was enough.  It gave me the satisfaction that I was looking for without using a ton of my points.

Snack: (1 PP)
-2 small chocolate graham crackers (1 PP)
-1 small banana (0 PP)
-1tsp whipped topping (0 PP)

Dinner was a hodgepodge of  things.  Some leftover and some made tonight.  I had leftover chicken that I added BBQ sauce to, with sweet peas and butter herb pasta.  So yummy and with the addition of the BBQ sauce it did not seem like my chicken was leftover.  So Duh-WINNER!  or Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!  :)

My ice cream sandwiches are not ready.. so I went for a bowl of fresh strawberries and bananas with a drizzle of chocolate sauce and a plop of left over CoolWhip.  So very very good!  Now I can say that I am stuffed!

Dinner: (15 PP)
-6 oz Chicken breast, boneless, skinless (6 PP)
-1 1/2T Carolina Mustard BBQ sauce (1 PP)
-1/3c. canned sweet peas (1 PP)
-3/4c. butter and herb rigatoni (from box) (6 PP)
-1/2c. strawberries (0 PP)
-1 small banana (0 PP)
-1/2T. chocolate syrup
-1T. Coolwhip (0 PP)

Daily PP used 40
Weekly PP used 0

Wow!  I finished the week awesome!  I actually have 5 weekly points left!!  Woohoo!!!!!!

So now all that is left is to see how tomorrow goes... keep your fingers crossed.  :)

Off to watch AI!!  Go James!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday... trying to finish strong...

So today is another cold and overcast day... thus again no outside time with Lovey Man... after the last several days I realize that I MUST keep on track today and tomorrow if I want any sort of positive outcome on the scale Thursday morning...

I am also a bit under the weather with a sinus infection, which is not the greatest and taking medication for it makes me feel blah...

Daily PP - 40
Weekly PP - 5

Breakfast: (11 PP)
- Oh yeah baby... 3 cups of coffee today, needed the extra caffeine to wake me up and get me past this groggy medication haze.  I once again went with the Chai Latte creamer, something about the weather and the blah feeling making my mood need it.  :)

Lovey Man and I had to run to the grocery store quickly because somehow I had allowed us to completely run out of milk.  That is not a good thing in our house, because to Lovey Man, Milk is the bestest thing EVER!!!  Bananas are a very close 2nd.  :)

Just before we left to go out E decided that he wanted me to grab him some lunch, when I mentioned what I was making for lunch he chose Arby's.  I chose a chef salad from the grocery store.  While we were there I picked up some more fruit and an new ingredient to add to my dinner tonight.

Lunch: (9 PP)
-Chef Salad with Ranch Dressing (7 PP)

  • 1/2 oz. smoked turkey
  • 1/2 oz. ham
  • 1/2 oz. swiss cheese
  • 1 1/2 c. iceberg lettuce
  • 1/8 c. tomato

- 5 Whole Wheat Ritz crackers (2 PP)
- 1/2 of a small Banana (0 PP)
Snack: (2 PP)
-WW Lemon Mousse Pie bar (2 PP)
- 1/4c. strawberries (0 PP)

I am really excited about dinner.  I am making one of my family's favorite dishes but with a twist.  I got inspired and so decided to see if they like it.

The dish that I making is Spicy Chicken Pot Pie.  I have taken my recipe for chicken pot pie and added some of the new cooking creme (Santa Fe flavor) to it.  (See recipe below)

Dinner: (17 PP)
-Spicy Chicken Pot Pie (14 PP)
-Salad (3 PP)

  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Carrot
  • 1T cheddar cheese
  • 1T Ranch 

Daily PP used 39
Weekly PP used 0

Spicy Chicken Pot Pie

4 boneless, skinless, chicken thighs
12oz frozen mixed vegetables, thawed
3/4 c Philadelphia cooking creme, Santa Fe
3/4 can cream of chicken soup
1 can of refrigerated crescent rolls
2 tsp canola oil
Salt and Pepper, to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cut chicken into bite size pieces, lightly salt and pepper the chicken.  Heat oil in skillet over medium heat. Cook until chicken is done.
  3. Combine cooking creme, soup, and veggies in skillet with chicken.  Turn down to med low and stir until cooking creme and soup are melted (approx 2 mins).
  4. Pour chicken mixture into a 2 quart baking dish.
  5. Roll out your crescent rolls, pinch steams together, and place on top of chicken mixture as one sheet to form crust.
  6. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 mins or until crust is golden brown.

(6 servings - 9 PP per serving)

***This recipe can be modified to fit your taste.  The traditional calls for the whole can of soup and no cooking creme.  You can change the chicken to breast instead of thighs (my family prefers dark meat in dishes like this).  You can also change the cooking creme to any of the other flavors, if spicy is not your thing or for variety.  The amount of chicken and/or veggies can also be increased or decreased based on preference.  Remember that if you change the amounts of things you need to check the PointsPlus values.

Fresh from the oven....

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday.. Monday... Monday...

So today has started with MORE rain... so not outside time with my Lovey Man.  :(

Daily PP - 40
Weekly PP - 13

My morning - Got up and got Scooter dressed, feed, and off to school.  Then fixed my breakfast, read some of my book while drinking COFFEE!!!, and then did a little blog catchup.  So what did I have for breakfast, well it was my usual.  I am creature of habit and as you have seen my breakfast does not really change.  So to save a little time.  I will only list my breakfast items if it changes from my normal Sausage/Cheese Sandwich with coffee.

Breakfast: (9 PP)
-My coffee today was a breakfast blend coffee with Chai Latte Creamer.  So yummy!!  I love to change the flavors of my creamer.  My moods change day to day, thus the flavor change in my coffee.  It give my variety.  Plus, being unemployed and trying to keep to a budget, it makes me feel like I spent a little extra on myself that day.  The weather has made me in a relaxed mood - thus the Chai Latte
Oh my... it is lunch already

Lunch: (9 PP)
- Health Choice Asian Potsticker (9 PP)
    -frozen entree
-Tangelo (0 PP)

Here is what the Asian Poststickers looked like right out of the microwave....

It was actually not too bad for a frozen meal, it did have a bit of heat to it.  I am ok with it but I know that it would have turned some people off.  So if you are not the type that likes spicy peppers... stay away.
So I really did not plan on having a snack that was not fruit today.  However, Scooter wanted a snack, got some of my Greek yogurt, and did not like it.  So to keep from wasting food.  I finished the portion she did not eat.  (an example of the BLTs)

Snack: (2 PP)
-Greek yogurt with honey 2/3 of the container (2 PP)

Oh dinner is finished and so my week has been hell.  E decided he wanted pizza and pizza we had.

Dinner: (28 PP)
-2 slices of Pizza (23 PP)
-1/2 glass of Merlot (2 PP)
-Weight Watcher Giant fudge bar (3 PP)

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 8

I have to be very very careful Tuesday and Wednesday....

Next week has to be better.  I will strive to be on track... I am also hoping that the weather gets better so that I can get some exercise.

As for today.. all I can say is Nighty Nighty and wish for the best tomorrow...

Oh Sunday... did I redeem myself??

So after the disaster that was Saturday.   Did I redeem myself and stay on track Sunday?  Well, let us look at Sunday and find out...

Daily PP - 40
Weekly PP - 16

Breakfast: (9 PP)
- Sausage & Cheese sandwich (8 PP)

  • Pork Sausage Patty
  • Slice of American Cheese
  • English Muffin
-Vanilla Nut Coffee with French Vanilla Creamer (2 PP)
            - could not resist three days in a row!!  :)  
            - but now I am out of Vanilla Nut Coffee  :(
    -Taco Bell combo#1 (18 PP)

    • Soft Taco Supreme  (7 PP)
    • Burrito Supreme (11 pp)
    Ok ok, I know what you are thinking.  Oh NO!! She is doing it again.  But I decided that the choice I made from Taco Bell was better than any I could have made from KFC.  So :P  !!

    Snack: (0 PP)
    -3/4 c. Cantalope

    See getting back on track!!!

    Dinner: (16 PP)
    -Bologna Sandwich with Chips (13 PP)

    • 1 slice of thick cut Bologna (4 PP)
    • 2 slices of bread (4 PP)
    • 1T of mayo, reg (3 PP)
    • 1 serving of Ruffles, light (2 PP)

    - Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Bar (3 PP)
    - Tangerine (0 )

    Daily PP used 40
    Weekly PP used 3

    So the answer to the question... yes I did redeem myself but not by much.  I started out down a very bad path at lunch.  But I turned it around mid-afternoon with my snack and keep it on the lighter side at dinner.  I am happy with myself.  However, I know I can do better.

    The downside to all of this is that since I do not have a gym membership and use the outdoors as my source of exercise, the weather has not be cooperating.  The rain and hail hit on Sunday... Monday and the rest of the week look the same.  

    So I have to be very careful the rest of the week, if I want to be happy with my results on Thursday....  fingers crossed!!!

    Holy Cow! My Saturday was a BIG eating day...

    So I have the wonderful pleasure of spending the weekend with my awesome parents.  They came into town and  we had such a great time.  One of the biggest pleasures was going shopping with my mom and her being sooo happy at the fact that she is buying new clothes that are a smaller size.  Both of my parents are on a diet and it is working great for both of them.

    Ok I have to admit, I thought I was doing really well with my eating choices.  It was not until I sat down and did the points counting that I realized that I did not do as well as I thought.  I knew I was going to be using some of my weekly points because I was splurging a bit.  But I really should have done the points counting during the day, instead of waiting and doing it after the eating for the day was done.  I would be been better the latter half of the day.  :)

    So what did my day look like....

    Daily PP - 40
    Weekly PP - 40

    Breakfast: (10 PP)
    - Sausage & Cheese sandwich (8 PP)

    • Pork Sausage Patty
    • Slice of American Cheese
    • 2 slices of bread
    -Vanilla Nut Coffee with French Vanilla Creamer (2 PP)
                - could not resist two days in a row!!  :)
      -Dairy Queen (24 PP)

      • Chicken Quesadilla Basket  (24 PP)
               - It included the Quesadilla, salsa, sour cream, and onion rings (I did not eat all of the sour cream or onion rings, in the hopes of saving a few PPs)

      Snack: Again no snack because I knew that I was having a date with E and wanted to save points for later

      Dinner:(30 PP)
      -Chicken Fresco Entrée with Salad Bar from Ruby Tuesday (16 PP)

      • Chicken Fresco (10 PP)
      • White Cheddar Mashed Potatoes (4 PP)
      • 1/2 c. Steamed broccoli (0 PP)
      • Salad from Salad bar - no meat or cheese - all veggies (0 PP)
      • 1T French Dressing (2 PP)
      -Cheddar Biscuits - 3 of them :(  (6 PP)
      -Cosmopolitan (5 PP)  It was sooooo good and planned so I not regretting it!!
      -Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Bar after I got home (3 PP)

      The biscuits were my down fall at dinner although not as bad as my lunch was

      Daily PP used 40
      Weekly PP used 24

      So after looking at my day... my lunch at DQ that I thought was a good choice was not!  If I would have done my points before my date, I would have been even more careful.  Oh well I do have weekly points left.  So that is a good thing.

      I can't regret my date of a movie and dinner. It is a time spent alone with E and thus I will enjoy myself.  However, the movie we chose to see was SuckerPunch, my reaction to it was "What the hell was that?"  I was confused for a large section of the beginning and even after I caught on to that was going on, I still was not into it.  Then at dinner, I was analyzing some of the tiniest details to help make sense of the movie.  That does not make me a happy girl.  I love to go to the movies and zone out.  I actually do not mind a bit of thinking but what happened because of this movie made me no happy at all.  I had high hopes for this movie because it was linked to the people that made "300" (which I really liked) and "Watchmen" (which was a good movie).  Thus, it did not live up to the hype in my head.  Oh well, you live and you learn.  I just hated I spent the money to see it!

      Oh well.. on to another day and soon another movie....

      I ate What? on Friday...

      Ok ok.. so I start a blog at the end of last week and I am currently 3 days behind... oh well.. I am new at this so I am having to learn how to keep up...  So what did I eat on Friday....

      Daily PP - 40
      Weekly PP - 47

      Breakfast: (9 PP)
      - Sausage & Cheese sandwich (7 PP)

      • Pork Sausage Patty
      • Slice of American Cheese
      • English muffin
      -COFFEE!!!  (2 PP)

      • I again had 2big cups.. sooo yummy and necessary!!!  I had vanilla nut flavored beans with french vanilla creamer... it made for wonderful smells in my house.
      Lunch: (19 PP)
      So this is a complete weirdo lunch.  I started by just grabbing a couple small things and going to be satisfied with that.  But E brought home a sub from Larry's and I was done for.  So I helped him with is footlong club sub.  I actually felt bad after eating all of this.

      -Larry's Giant Subs - 6" Kongs Club (11PP)

      • with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, and black pepper

      -Fried Chicken Drumstick (cold and leftover from earlier in the week - still yummy)  (3 PP)
      -8 scoop Tortilla chips (2 PP)
      -one of the new Weight Watcher coffee cake snacks (3 PP)

      Snack: No snack today because of I felt so bad about lunch.. I did not eat again until dinner

      Dinner:(19 PP)
      -Bologna Sandwich with Chips (13 PP)

      • 1 slice of thick cut Bologna (4 PP)
      • 2 slices of bread (4 PP)
      • 1T of mayo, reg (3 PP)
      • 1 serving of Ruffles, light (2 PP)

      - Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Bar (3 PP)
      -2 Reduce Fat Chips Ahoy (3 PP)

      The fudge bar was a planned part of my dinner, the Chips Ahoy was not.  They were in impulse and to be honest I was eating them before I really realized what I was doing.  I was in the kitchen making E's dessert that included the cookies.  So out of habit, I grabbed two extra for me and ate them mindlessly while making the dessert.  After realizing what I had done, the guilt hit me.

      Daily PP used 40
      Weekly PP used 7

      So we are only on day 2 of posting and I am already showing some of my weaknesses.  The BLT's and mindless eating are my biggest problems.  I have to learn not to eat just because.  Ok, so what are BLT's - well they are not Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwiches, which I love!! - they are Bites, Licks, and Tastes.  These can really add up if you are doing them frequently.

      I am hoping to learn to control both of these impulses.  We shall see!!!

      Friday, March 25, 2011

      I ate What? on Thursday...

      I have decided to back up a day and post what I ate yesterday before moving on to today.  Thursdays are my Weight Watcher meeting day and the beginning of my week.  So I felt it is only fair that I start at the beginning and not the middle.  :)

      Daily PointsPlus*  40
      Weekly PointsPlus* 49

      Breakfast: (10 Points Plus*)
      - Sausage & Cheese sandwich (8 Points Plus*)

      • Pork Sausage Patty
      • Slice of American Cheese
      • 2 slices of bread
      -COFFEE!!!  (ima addict and you will probably see this entry several times a day) (2 Points Plus*)

      • I take my coffee with 2 splendas and 2T of flavored non-dairy liquid creamer
      • I had 2 big cups.. sooo yummy and necessary!!!
      -Fatz Cafe (13PP*)

      • 6pc. chicken finger lunch entree (13 PP*)
      Snack: (2PP*)
      -Popcorn at the ball park (1PP*)
      -Iced Coffee (1PP*)

      -Steak and Chicken Entrée from Seasons of Japan

      • 2 oz Teriyaki Chicken (4PP*)
      • 2 oz Hibachi Steak (5PP*)
      • 1/2 c Fried Rice (4PP*)
      • 2 1/2 T Shrimp Sauce (1PP*)
      • 1/2 c. Hibachi veggies (1PP*)

      Daily PP* used 40
      Weekly PP* used 2

      (*I am shortening PointsPlus to PP - it's for me to make the typing a nanosecond faster)

      Why am I doing this....

      So for my true first post I am going to explain a little behind why I am doing this.  For those of you that know me and especially those who have seen me recently, you know that I am overweight.  I am not going to make myself feel better by saying I am slightly overweight.  I am VERY overweight.  So my thinking is that I am going to use the blog as my motivation to loss the weight and stay on track.

      I am currently attend a weekly Weight Watchers meeting.  Not as consistently as I should but I am hoping to change that.  So what do I have planned for this blog:  I am going to post what I eat, the number of Point Plus for each item (while keeping track for you where I am daily and weekly with my points), if I exercise, if I go to my WW meeting, etc.  I am hoping that the biggest motivator will be to show the progress that I am making in my process of losing weight and becoming healthier.  However, I WILL NOT ever post my weight on here.  Only my weight loss/gain, in regards to my progression to becoming less of the woman that I am today.

      My first step in this process is to show the real me, to post a picture that is the true me, no interesting angles, no closeups and cropping...

      So to start this off.. here it is folks... this is me.. as I am at the start of this blog...

      Here we GO............