Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Well hello Tuesday...

Today started of rushed.  I woke up before my alarm and so I turned if off, thinking oh I will just stay here a couple more minutes and then I will get up.  Then 30 minutes later, I wake back up and have to rush to get ready for work.  But all was well, I got to work on time but with the barest of makeup.  It was ok tho.

-Key Lime Whipped Yogurt
-Chewy Granola Bar

It worked really well yesterday so I decided to try it today.  Did not work as well today for some reason.  I was starving at lunch.  So I checked the menu and knew I was gonna be bad.

-Taco Salad (Chicken)

But it's a salad, so it is good for me right.  Lettuce tomatoes, protein.  So good for me... nothing like the 12,000 calorie salad.  :)

-Shrimp SandwichAnyway
-8 French Fries
-sweet tea

I picked up dinner tonight because it was just easy.  I did not have anything to fix at home, so it was either pick up or go by the grocery store and then cook.  I chose to pick-up.  I am getting better about having things at home to cook and not picking up.  I actually do have something at home but it is a roast and I was getting home kinda late today.  So no time to make it.

I actually have plans to make the roast for tomorrow.  Well as long as I get up on time, I should be able to get it into the crockpot.  Then dinner will be done before I even get home.  I so love the crockpot.

Anyways, I had a great day.  Still did not get the application to the gym, maybe tomorrow.  *fingers crossed

Talk to soon.  Time for bed.. nighty night my peeps!!

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