Saturday, July 9, 2011


I know I have been gone a really really long time...

As I stated I started a new job.  Within a few days of starting my job I got pulled into a special project that keep me really really busy.

I am back now and things should be returning to normal.

I will start posting again tomorrow.

I am truly sorry for my unexplained disappearance and that you all will start reading my posts again.

Here are a few items I had over the last couple of weeks.. I do not of  the PP values for them but they were really really good!!!

Bacon wrapped Turkey with Roasted Veggies

Key Lime Martini - very YUMMY

Shrimp and Grits

I have been being really good... but these have been a few of my splurges recently.  I am working on making sure that I get to my WW meeting this week.  It has been 3 weeks since I have gone.  Fingers crossed my peeps!!!  Fingers crossed!  Oh yeah, I have a perk at work, they have a gym on site, now I just need to make it over there.  :)

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