Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It's Wednesday!  I got up and really productive.  I got the dishwasher unloaded, made sure there were clean sippy cups, and even remembered to put the roast in the crockpot.  Plus I made myself breakfast and coffee.. oh ok so that was not so hard but hey I got it all done and off to work a bit early.

-Sausage Sandwich
-Coffee with hazelnut creamer

I had a really good morning.  Well mostly I did.  I had a moment that really set my mood for the afternoon but oh well you are gonna have a day like that.  I was not really that hungry at lunch but I knew I needed something to eat.

-Egg Salad Sandwich
-Miss Vickie's kettle chips

Oh I also had a CokeZero to drink.  I really like CokeZero over Diet Coke.  Something about the flavor.  Oh course, I prefer Cherry CokeZero over just the regular one.

Because I put a roast in the crockpot, I have not had to worry about dinner tonight.  All I needed to do when I got home was make some rice.  And BAM! dinner was ready.  Yeah me!

-Roast with onions, potatoes, and carrots

It was a really long afternoon and so I really needed something to help be unwind and relax.  So I am having a  glass of wine.  It was just that kinda day.

I have been thinking about my day and some things that happened.  I am just going to let it go and not dwell on it.  It will happen again and so I will hopefully get it dealt with .

Time for another glass of wine.  Nighty Night my peeps!!!

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