Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday... I've made it this far! Tomorrow is weigh-in....

GOOD MORNING!!!! It's gonna be another hot and humid day here.   I can't believe that it is already registiering in the 90's.  Blah, this is July/August weather, not June weather.  I guess I'm gonna be spending a fortune in suncreen.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 29
Activity Points: 12

Breakfast: (8 PP)
-1 c. Kellogg's Crunch Nut cereal (4 PP)
-1/2 c. 2% milk (2 PP)
-4 T. Bailey's Creme Brulee creamer (2 PP)

I got to sleep in a bit today.  Lovey Man slept with his daddy last night and so when he cried out, it was all the Daddy.  Mommy just smiled and turned over.  :)
I am not the hungry today.  I think a sandwich, chips and fruit will work great for lunch today.  Now the decision is ham or turkey.  I have both.  HMMMMM.... Ham it is!  :)  I also have some WW Cheddar twist that I picked up at my last meeting.  Oh got cantaloupe too.  This lunch is coming together nicely!

Lunch: (11 PP)
-1 Ham Sandwich (8 PP)
  • 2 slices of bread, 2 oz deli sliced ham, 2t. mayo, 1t. yellow mustard
-1 pouch of WW Cheddar Twists (3 PP)
-1/2 c. cantaloupe (0 PP)

SO FULL!!!  I am even drinking my water like I should today.  I have a big bottle of water flavored with the Mio Mango Peach.  Well if I can find my bottle.  Lovey Man likes to take it from me.  Off to find my water.
 I took Lovey Man to the park today.  We did not stay too long, because it is was soo hot.  He had fun today and played "with" a little boy his same age.  That was a new experience for him.  Both were like, I want to play here or with that, oh wait you are playing there or with that, so that's what I want to do.  Kinda funny really.

Activity Points: 2
I really try to eat light on the night before weigh-in like tonight is.  Well I made a plate and it was only 4 PP.  I have lots of PP left for the day and I am not hungry.  So I am not going to think about the number of PP left, if I am full there is no need for me to eat the rest of the PP.  I have met drank my water, eaten all the servings of fruits, veggies, dairy, got my healthy oils in and activity.    :)

Dinner: (6 PP)
-1 serving of Starkist SeaSations Fillet - Mediterranean Tomato & Basil (2 PP)
-1/2 c. Green Giant Broccoli with Cheese sauce  (1 PP)
-1 serving of Parmesan Asiago Broccoli Slaw (1 PP)
-1 Dove Mini Ice Cream Bar (2 PP)

All this and only 4 PP

I know I had double serving of broccoli but it was served two completely different ways.  Also, Lovey Man got a hold of my can opener and who knows where it is.  I did find my water earlier today.  So I was not able to open the can of corn that I wanted to have instead.  Oh well, you adapt to the situation and keep going.
I had a really good snack today.  Nothing like graham crackers and banana... ok, it could have used some chocolate, maybe tomorrow.

Snack: (2 PP)
-2 long graham crackers (2 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)
Braves are on.. Time to go watch them.  I REALLY hope they beat the Padres tonight.  It would suck to have the Padres swipe the series in Atlanta.  

Nighty night... see you all tomorrow.  Wish me luck for weigh-in!

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 2
Activity points earned: 12
Activity points used: 0

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