Sunday, June 5, 2011

Review of Friday....

Friday was just super crazy busy.  I am going to just recap my food journal.  

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 37
Activity Points: 2

Breakfast: (10 PP)
-1 Sausage Sandwich (8 PP)
-4 T. Creme Brulee creamer (2 PP)

Breakfast done.. Coffee savored
I was very Thankful to E.  He went to pick up lunch.  He went to Arby's, regular roast beef for me, no fries just the sandwich, Thanks!

Lunch: (9 PP)
-1 Arby's Regular Roast Beef (9 PP)

Snack: (0 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)

No Exercise
I had one of the Stouffer's Farmhouse Creations.  I was ok.  I mean I didn't have to cook or go out, so it worked.  I forgot to get a picture.  Sorry!

Dinner: (11 PP)
-1 Stouffer's Farmhouse Roasted Chicken with Bowtie Pasta and Veggies (11 PP)

So have you done the math yet!  If not, let me just at say at this point I still had a ton of PP left for the day.  So I has a dessert/bedtime snack.  OH Yeah!

Bedtime Snack: (6 PP)
-1 Dove Mini Bar (2 PP)
-1 Jell-o Temptations Double Chocolate Pie (4 PP)

Nothing like a little chocolate before bedtime.  :)  Went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Daily PP used: 36
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0

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