Monday, June 13, 2011

Scooter's Birdhouse...

While Scooter was at her Nana and Papa's a couple of week ago she made a birdhouse.

Has you can see we had to fancy it up.  She is taking care of her flowers and loving it....

This her Gerber Daisy!

Tomato Plant - Day 54

So 26 days ago we had only 1 baby mater... we now have 12... oh yeah baby... they are all still green but they are growing bigger every day and it will be very soon that we will have nice big red juicy ones!!

I could not get all the babies on one picture... Look at them.. I can't wait to eat 'em!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Where have I been??

Ok my Peeps... I must explain where I have been.

I now have a JOB!!  Yeppers I am working again.  This is my first week and it has been crazy nuts!  So please excuse the fact that I have not had a chance to post in the last several days.

I will give you all a summary very soon!

I weighed in today and it was a gain.  But that is ok, with everything that has been going on.  It is not a surprise.

I hope you all have been having a great week!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday.. the last day before... well Monday...

I slept really late today.  Not sure why but hey the kiddios let me, so I'm not complaining.

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 37
Activity Points: 4

Breakfast: (10 PP)
-1 1/4 c. Kellogg's Crunchy Nut cereal (5 PP)
-3/4 c. 2% Milk (3 PP)
-2 T. Creme Brulee creamer (1 PP)

This is definitely my kinda of cereal.  I just finished the box and doing a happy dance that there is another in the pantry.  Woohoo!  I also think I am getting kinda addicted to this Creme Brulee Creamer that is made by Bailey's.
It is so becoming a Sunday thing for us now.  We went out to eat again for lunch.  E suggested Mexican food and so who am I to argue.  If the man wants Mexican, let the man have Mexican.  OH have I mentioned that it is my FAVORITE food!!!  *evil grin

Lunch: (19 PP)
-4 Crispy Flautas (17 PP)
-8 tortilla chips (2 PP)
-salsa (0 PP)
After the park, Wally World, and Lowe's again.  I need something to satisfy a grumbly tummy.

Snack: (0 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)

That also got me some exercise.  Yeah me!

Activity Points: 2
I picked up a precooked, presliced ham while I was at Wally World.  I then placed some brown sugar on the top, put it in the oven to reheat, and BAM dinner is served.  Well I also made some cheesy broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots from the frozen steamer bag.  The one thing that I did actually make was my New Potatoes with White Sauce that E LOVES!!!  

Dinner: (7 PP)
-3 oz Ham (3 PP)
-1/2 c. cheesy veggies (1 PP)
-1 serving of New Potatoes with White Sauce (3 PP)

Still have PP left.. so Do I have Dessert?  Why Yes I Do!!

Dessert: (4 PP)
-1 Jell-o Temptations Double Chocolate Pie (4 PP)

Such a great day!!!  Looking forward to tomorrow and my new adventures.  :)

Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 6
Activity points used: 0

Review of Saturday...

Saturday was just an on the go kinda day.  Like Friday, I am going to just recap my food journal.  

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 37
Activity Points: 2

Breakfast: (10 PP)
-1 Sausage Sandwich (8 PP)
-4 T. Creme Brulee creamer (2 PP)

Breakfast done.. Coffee savored.. waiting until I get the call so that I can go pick up Scooter.
Lovey Man and I met up with Scooter, Nana, and Papa for lunch.  Yeah!

Lunch: (19 PP)
-1 Cuban Sandwich (12 PP)
-12 French Fries (7 PP)

Snack: (0 PP)
-1 Peach (0 PP)
-1/2 Banana (0 PP)

Scooter, Lovey Man, and I went shopping at Lowe's for a few things.  We just tootled for a bit.

Activity Points: 2
I made a Caribbean Jerk Pork Loin with Peppers and Onions, served on white rice.  I was the only one that ate it.  Oh well, that was a dud at my house.  I liked it, no else did.  :(  No picture again.. what is wrong with me.  Sorry my Peeps... 

Dinner: (8 PP)
-4 oz Pork Loin, cooked (4 PP)
-3/4 c. white rice (4 PP)

Bedtime Snack: (2 PP)
-1 Dove Mini Bar (2 PP)

Nothing like a little chocolate before bedtime.  :)  Went to sleep again with a smile on my face.

Two days in a row that I did not eat all my points.  I have been full and satisfied, so all should be good.

Daily PP used: 39
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0

Review of Friday....

Friday was just super crazy busy.  I am going to just recap my food journal.  

Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 37
Activity Points: 2

Breakfast: (10 PP)
-1 Sausage Sandwich (8 PP)
-4 T. Creme Brulee creamer (2 PP)

Breakfast done.. Coffee savored
I was very Thankful to E.  He went to pick up lunch.  He went to Arby's, regular roast beef for me, no fries just the sandwich, Thanks!

Lunch: (9 PP)
-1 Arby's Regular Roast Beef (9 PP)

Snack: (0 PP)
-1 Banana (0 PP)

No Exercise
I had one of the Stouffer's Farmhouse Creations.  I was ok.  I mean I didn't have to cook or go out, so it worked.  I forgot to get a picture.  Sorry!

Dinner: (11 PP)
-1 Stouffer's Farmhouse Roasted Chicken with Bowtie Pasta and Veggies (11 PP)

So have you done the math yet!  If not, let me just at say at this point I still had a ton of PP left for the day.  So I has a dessert/bedtime snack.  OH Yeah!

Bedtime Snack: (6 PP)
-1 Dove Mini Bar (2 PP)
-1 Jell-o Temptations Double Chocolate Pie (4 PP)

Nothing like a little chocolate before bedtime.  :)  Went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Daily PP used: 36
Weekly PP used: 0
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0