Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 35
Activity Points: 4
So not only did I have the latte but I also make the sandwich...
Breakfast: (14 PP)
-2 T Hazel nut creamer (1 PP)
-1 1/4 c. whole milk (5 PP)
-1 turkey sausage sandwich (8 PP)
High value breakfast but it was soooo good!!!
I was gonna make meatloaf for lunch today but that got overruled. So we went out for Mexican. No complaints from me. I could get Mexican food several days a week, I love it so much.
Lunch: (17 PP)
-1 beef soft taco (6 PP)
-1 chicken soft taco (5 PP)
-1/3 c. spanish rice (2 PP)
-1/4 c. refried beans (2 PP)
-8 tortilla chips (2 PP)
Yummy Yummy I had love in my tummy. Ok, so E wanted me to pick this fried avocado and I was like now just how many fat grams do you think that has in it. I got called boring but I am not gonna be adventurous with that. He didn't try it Mr. I order the same thing every time.
I did have a snack today. I have also learned that Lovey Man seems to really like banana chips.
Snack: (0 PP)
-1 c. grapes (0 PP)
I also took the kiddios to the park after lunch, went to Wally World for a few things, and then mowed the grass this afternoon. Can we say ton o' ACTIVITY POINTS?!?!?!
I earned a lot today. Yeah me!
Activity Points: 6
I really wanted to make dinner tonight and since meatloaf was out because we all had beef at lunch, I wanted to try something different with chicken. I got the spice combination for Chicken Cacciatore. Not sure how it will be received but I am going to try it.
Dinner: (11 PP)
-1 serving of chicken cacciatore (3 PP)
-1/2 c. rice (3 PP)
-1 6 oz orange gin and tonic (5 PP)
Everyone thought it was good. So I might make this one again. I will share the recipe tomorrow. I did not get a picture. Thought about it when I was 1/2 way finished with my plate. Oh well.... Yes that says gin and tonic. I have really cut down on the alcohol consumption because those are PP that I prefer to use for something else. However, E has wanted me to try this orange flavored gin, so I figured "What the Hell"
It has been a great day. I am not looking forward to my alarm in the morning. Back to the reality!
Nighty night all... see you all tomorrow! :)
Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 2
Activity points earned: 10
Activity points used: 0
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