Daily PP: 40
Weekly PP: 47
Activity Points: 2
It was worth the whole pot of coffee. Kate was stunning and Wills was handsome... very very nice. I broke out the special creamer this morning!!
Breakfast: (11 PP)
-1 turkey sausage sandwich (8 PP)
- 6 T. Southern Pecan creamer (3 PP)
-1 banana (0 PP)
Of course, after a whole pot of coffee and being up for 4 hours I needed food. So I ate a banana. It was after Lovey Man got up that I had my sandwich.
E, Lovey Man, and I went to lunch together today. Nice little treat for us. I needed to make my weekly run to the grocery store and so we decided to do lunch first.
Lunch: (19 PP)
-1 beef crunchy taco (6 PP)
-1 beef enchilada (5 PP)
-1/4 c. spanish rice (2 PP)
-1/3 c. refried beans (3 PP)
-10 tortilla chips (3 PP)
-salsa (0 PP)
Oh yeah... had my favorite. Mexican baby!!!!
Snack: (6 PP)
-1 pineapple greek yogurt (4 PP)
1/2 oz banana chips (2 PP)
I know with my lunch choices I should not have had a snack but I have been up wwwaaaayyyyy toooooo long. I needed the extra to make it the rest of the day. Still worth it!!!
Lovey Man and I went grocery shopping but that was not enough exercise to count activity points. Maybe tomorrow.
Lovey Man and I went grocery shopping but that was not enough exercise to count activity points. Maybe tomorrow.
With my very long day, I had planned to make meatloaf but E decided that since I was sooo tired we should pick-up food. I think he just wanted his favorite steak sandwich and so that is why he suggested it. But I will take the gesture. :) I had a corned beef on rye... so goooooooood!!!
Dinner: (16 PP)
-1 Corned Beef with Swiss on Rye (12 PP)
-1 serving of reduced fat kettle cooked chips (4 PP)
So I wasn't that great today. But it was a super long day and I did not take nap. Also, it is the day after weigh in so I have time to be much much better.
Daily PP used: 40
Weekly PP used: 12
Activity points earned: 2
Activity points used: 0